Chapter XII 'Emotions'

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Sharpclaw panted as he ran back to camp. (Those big ol' rats have better learn to stay out of SwampClan territory!) He padded inside and his heart started racing. So much was going on, Greeneyes was giving birth to kits while her mate is struggling to live; Lilypetal was rushing around the place, giving Silverpaw, Sparrowflight, and Cloudstorm instructions; while several cats are panting, and sitting wounded. Even Sharpclaw felt bad for his campmates.

Silverpaw, still dazed from her vision, rushed around as fast as she could. (What should I do? My campmates need help... But there is also a clan in danger!) So many emotions were rushing through her head, so much has happened... Next thing she felt guilt, then sad for her father. She ran back over to Lilypetal to find her sitting, a satisfied look on her face. Silverpaw glanced over toward Greeneyes, to find 3 lovely kits sitting there. "Oh, Silverpaw! Oh goodness, your here!" Silverpaw looked over at Lilypetal. "Please, wash the kits for Greeneyes, she's so exhausted, I don't think she can do it herself! I got to go heal Onefoot, i'll be back!" And with that, Lilypetal left the nursery.

Silverpaw took another glance toward Greeneyes, she was exhausted! She was laying down, her eyes closed, but breathing. Silverpaw took a few steps closer to Greeneyes, and started washing the kits. There were 3 of them, two toms and a she-kit. The first tom was black with a brown spot on his back. (Takes after his mother and father) Silverpaw purred. Suddenly her mixed up emotions vanished, she felt a lot of love for these kits. She started washing the second tom. He was really small, and a very light brown color. Silverpaw felt for the small kit, she was just like him when she has little.

Then she started washing the she-kit. It was a calico colored tabby with some dark gray spots. Silverpaw admired all of the kits, and with a purr, gave them each a lick. Greeneyes opened her eyes and glanced at her and the kits. Greeneyes purred. "They are beautiful aren't they? They just make you forget about the world, its like, your in StarClan." She purred some more. Silverpaw held on to her words. And then it hit her. "I got to go, I need to tell Lilypetal something." "Wait, is Onefoot ok?" Greeneyes asked warily. Silverpaw hesitated. "He's absolutely fine!" Silverpaw forced a purr. Greeneyes still looked concerned. "Well, ok... " Silverpaw sighed in relief. (She cant know... not yet...)

Silverpaw padded outside the nursery. Lilypetal was attending Onefoot. Onefoot was breathing, but not well. Silverpaw took a few pawsteps closer to Lilypetal. "May I have a word?" Silverpaw whispered. Lilypetal turned her head in an angle, looking at Onefoot and Silverpaw at the same time. "Yes?" Silverpaw took a deep breath, and told her everything she knew about her dream. Lilypetal paused at what she was doing. She dropped the cobweb from her mouth.

-"There isn't a moment to lose."-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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