Chapter VI 'The Dream'

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A note, I am probably going to end this at chapter 12. But I might make a sequel!!!!


"Fluffyfur! Acornflight!" Silverpaw meowed. "It's time for training with the other apprentices!" Acornflight walked proudly out of the apprentices' den. A few heartbeats later, Fluffyfur was found lazily slumped on his back, snoring loudly. Acornflight sighed, and yanked his tail hard. "Owwww!!!!!!!!!" Fluffyfur screeched. Fluffyfur looked over at the two she-cats, his pelt all puffed up. "What'd ya do that for?!?!" Silverpaw started laughing. Acornflight sighed again, "Its time for training lazy-bones. You were snoring to loudly to hear us." Fluffyfur looked sorry. He flattened his ears and looked at Acornflight. "Sorry....." He said kinda sad like.

Silverpaw stopped laughing at Fluffyfur's surprised face. (Why is he upset?) Silverpaw wondered. She looked at the pathetic tom. His ears were drooping and he didn't talk as much as he usually does. Hours later, Silverpaw padded over toward Fluffyfur. She sat down next to him. "What's wrong?" Fluffyfur stared up into the sky. "Nothing...." "No, not nothing. I saw your reaction to what Acornflight said. How are you really feeling?" Fluffyfur sighed. "I'm tired of being the weak one, the one everyone looks down on. The one... that....messes..up all the time." Fluffyfur turned away. Tears falling across his fur.

Silverpaw watched in dismay. (How do I cheer him up?) "Honestly, your not the only one that's being mistreated..." Fluffyfur turned around. He looked at me. "Everyone thinks I'm just a runt who can't do much but be a servant to everyone else. Even my siblings don't care about me....." Fluffyfur stared at me. (Oh...Silverpaw....) "You must want to go back to your twolegs now..." Fluffyfur looked back at the sky. "Yes I did.... but you changed my mind. I'll be your friend." Silverpaw looked into his eyes. "Thank you......"

~'Silverpaw.....Silverpaw.....' Silverpaw opened her eyes. She stood still. (What is this place? Last I knew I was in my nest....StarClan! I must be in StarClan!) ' Silverpaw....Silverpaw....' 'Yes I am here!' Silverpaw meowed. Silverpaw spotted something moving towards her. She was blinded for a second before a star-lined pelt walked into view. ' Silverpaw, I have a prophecy for you.' Silverpaw stood still in shock. 'F...f...or me?' 'The shadows are coming, only the silver star and the storming cloud can save the clans.' Silverpaw shook herself. 'Who are you? And what do you mean?' 'I am Swampstar, and I must go.' Swampstar started to walk away, 'Dont go!' Silverpaw chased after him. Only to find she couldn't see anything anymore. In a flash of light, Silverpaw awoke.~

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