Chapter XI 'Another Dream'

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Silverpaw opened her eyes and leaped up, wincing in pain as she tried to keep herself standing. (My clan is in danger) Cloudstorm glanced at her, relief shown in his eyes. Just then 3 cats ran into the nursery. One was Sharpclaw, who had even worse injuries then Silverpaw, growled at the other two cats. The rogues glared and snarled. (Theres barely a scratch on them!) Silverpaw recognized the muscular black Tom as Scar. The other one, a dark brown tabby, hissed with its tail curled. Silverpaw prepared to fight, her head spinning. (The Silver star and the storming cloud will save the clans) Silverpaw leapt onto the tabby, the tabby twirled around and swiped her nose. Snarling, the two cats wrestled. Silverpaw fell to the ground. Remembering Cloudstorm's trick, she laid there a moment longer and right when tabby attacked, she swiped its belly. The tabby fell back and yowled in pain. (Nows my chance) She lept onto the tabby and yanked on its scruff. (I won't kill you... I can't....) instead she fought intill the tabby was too weak to fight.

Expecting death, the tabby sat lamely waiting for the final blow, but Silverpaw instead ran outside the nursery, fighting the other cats. Laying in astonishment and relief, the tabby tried to get up. Cloudstorm bit down on Scar's neck, Scar, laughing , "That meerly tickles!" But as Cloudstorm glanced up into Scar's eyes, he knew he was in pain. Cloudstorm rear kicked Scar as Scar swiped on his chest. They both went tumbling in different directions, both gasping in pain. Scar growled, an Cloudstorm glared. Lilypetal was glancing every once in a while at them, her eyes wide. Greeneyes wasn't doing to well, in her face you can tell she was scared, in pain, and sad. Cloudstorm got up again and limped toward Scar. (For Greeneyes!) Scar suddenly ran outside the nursery. 

Cloudstorm, puzzled, chased after him. Fluffyfur, wide eyed from all the commotion, tried to get up as well, but failed miserably. Lilypetal glanced at him, fear shone in her eyes. "Stay here, I'll treat you" Cloudstorm stared at camp in bewildered horror. Almost every cat that battled in the beginning where down, even the rogues. Most, not dead. The only cats in the clearing were Scar, Silverpaw, and another rogue. (We might win this!) Cloudstorm stiffened as he noticed that Silverpaw was cornered. Cloudstorm hissed and ran toward them, a gray streak followed. Silverpaw looked over and noticed her friends, Cloudstorm and Sparrowflight were running toward her.

Together, they fought off the rogues, and panting they returned to help Lilypetal heal the others. Silverpaw stopped in her tracks as she was gathering cobwebs. ~'Help....HELP!!!' 'PineClan won't survive, ... we ARE DEAD!' 'Mauh ha HA!! Yes you are you puny MICE!' 'Mom.... I'm scared!' ~

Silverpaw gasped. She dropped the cobwebs. The screams of terror still drumming in her ears. (There are more of them.... and they are destroying the other clans!)

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