Chapter X 'Death?'

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"WAIT!" Silverpaw looked around Scratch. Scratch looked annoyingly to the side, and gasped. Fluffyfur took a step inside the den, he was obviously shaking, but the most noticeable thing was the scratch along his back. Fluffyfur stepped a little closer, his eyes clouded with tears. For a moment, Silverpaw wondered why he was sad and not mad at Scratch. (She did kill my father..) But then it hit her. Fluffyfur stared into Scratch's eyes, and she stared back. It surprised Silverpaw that she did not attack. Fluffyfur winced in pain, and terror. "Ac...Acorn... don't, please...!!" Fluffyfur studdered. Scratch just stared.

Fluffyfur rasped. "Do..n't do it.... Yo...ur... my...fri...end..." Fluffyfur walked closer. Scratch swiped him without thinking, and growled. Fluffyfur fell to the ground. "Im not gonna hurt you...." His voice calmer then before. Scratch was now standing paw raised over Fluffyfur, paying no attention to Silverpaw. Silverpaw didn't know what to think.  Fluffyfur stared into Scratch's eyes. "Please Acorn..." Scratch yowled and raised her paw higher, without thinking, Silverpaw ran between the two of them....

Cloudstorm pelted into the Nursery and gasped. He studdered, Lilypetal frozen still behind him. Silverpaw gasped, and fell to the ground. Fluffyfur stared in horror. Scratch heaving, staring at everyone in the room.  Cloudstorm stared at Silverpaw, eyes clouded, Lilypetal ran toward Greeneyes and glanced at the others, so many cats injured. Scratch backed up. Her eyes clouded, she bolted out of the nursery, and disappeared. Fluffyfur watched her leave, and began to wash the silver pelted cat laying on top of him.

Cloudstorm tore his eyes away from Silverpaw, and stood guard in front of the nursery.


Silverpaw blinked. (I reoconize this place....) She stood up and gasped. (Am I dead!?) Silverpaw began to collapse in fear for her clanmates. As she did so she winced in pain. (I cant be dead, I still feel pain!) 'That's right, your still alive' Silverpaw glanced up at Swampstar. 'I..i failed you... wait im still alive? then what am I doing here?' Swampstar nodded slowly. 'Your alive, and you have not failed us' Silverpaw tried to understand and then suddenly everything faded, and she awoke.


Really rushed this one!

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