July 24th

210 4 0

Dear Diary,

I got the role!!!! The director himself, Robert Rodriguez called me to tell me I got the part! I obviously told my mom, my sister and my brother. I also called my dad to tell him the news and he was happy about it but he had to leave since he had a meeting.


I got the part!!!!!!

Omgggg sameeee

We can come get you
on our way to the airport
next week :)

Yess tysm my mom
has to go visit my grandma

Np. Ttyl❤


I went to go help my mom with dinner since I also finished my homework already.

Hey Heroes! Sorry the chapter is really short. I spent an hour writing it but then it got deleted and I re-wrote it. Please vote, comment and follow.


Andrew Diaz x OCWhere stories live. Discover now