⚠️Brother Warning⚠️

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Dear Diary,

This is what happened after dinner.


"Thanks for helping me with dinner, girls." My mom said as we put the plates in the dishwasher. "It was fun!" I said.

My sister agreed and the front door opened. "I'm home!" My brother said as he walked in the dining room.

"Joey!" I said in a childish voice as I hugged him. We made funny weird nicknames for each other growing up. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'll tell you later." I said. "Did you have dinner already?" My sister asked. "Yeah." He said. "Why don't you guys go up? I have to finish cleaning up here anyway." My mom said, shooing us to the stairs.

We went into me and my sister's room and my brother asked why I was here and not at my house. I didn't want to explain it all to him so my sister told him.

Brought to you by Lazy Me😇

"I'm gonna go-" He started saying. I knew where this was going. "Joseph no." My sister scolded. "Mia-" "Joseph you can't beat up every single boy who upsets Skye." She said patiently.

"I agree on that." I said.

This is gonna get very St00pid and very Cheesy so pleasee deal with meeehh😆

"This is serious!" Joseph argued. "Your seriously gonna go over there and beat up your brother-in-law?" My sister asked in disbelief.

I checked my phone and saw my phone was blowing up from Andrew and Yaya. I opened Yaya's texts first with both my siblings looking over my shoulder.


Where are you?
Answer please

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