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real short chapter bc the ending of the last one was so cringe, but this one..
word count 2266
spell checked: no
right about now i'd be happy to have some dick, ArByZ or sleeping.
but i could hear voices trembling pleading for me to wake up and to open my eyes, feeling the tightness on my wrist, my neck hurt from laying a way oddly.

"y/n. wake up."
i could feel my arm being held high and my neck drooping below my shoulder, smelling the heavy rain as it gave me a headache from the metal roof.
my eyes once again were bloodied over and hard to open; i jerked awake feeling my hand stay in the spot it was, the chains made a loud noise hurting my already hurt hand.
i could hear talking, no not talking, mumbles.
a dog licking the leaks of water from the ground, a brown whippet of the sort.

it looked desperate for a drink of water.

my name called lowly, but harshly.
i turned my head as far as u could feeling my wrist twist the chain that was attached to what looked like a wooden beam, and a wooden table.

i pulled harshly for my hand hoping it would simply slide out, but it wasn't.
my knees were in the ground as my wrist supported most of my body, my eyes locked onto the table; it was screwed into the rotting stained bloody floor boards.

my hearing was sort of patchy, and i couldn't hear the team calling out for me behind me.
a soft pow whistle and a clap of two fingers for the dog to come to him.
kiyoomi had his bare hand sticking from the cell petting at the ragged dog.
he clicked his tongue and let out soft "sh sh's" for the dogs whimpering to hault.

the squeaking of the wooden swing on the front porch banged against the outside wall, only making the dog coward.
"it's okay why are you scared, no need to be; look at you such a good handsome boy"

a finger waved infront of my face into my chest almost knocking me off my wobbly knees seeing it so close to my face, only for me to look up and see the one and only Miya fucking Atsumu.
"go-od t'a see ya'.." his hand held to my chest as he let out a weak smile.
"atsumu i- are you.." regaining my mind feeling my other hand tied to the same one, it wasn't like that before.

"it hurts" he whimpered, his hands were tied and locked to the table as of his feet were as well, his eyes were red and puffy; he had his hand in a fist, his toes were crunched and his muscles were relaxed.
i could see the blood that was rotting the floor, was indeed his blood.

i could only see the table. and the empty gasoline cans below it; a green dusty painted kitchen, a stained fridge with broken glass on the floor boards, one wooden pole in the middle of the house which was connected to me and atsumu.

his thighs had holes that went deep, he had tools laid out around his body, screwdrivers, nails, hammers, he wasnt in a okay shape.
hearing his soft sniffles as he used his strength to look over at me as the rest of everyone slept in their cells except kiyoomi.

"kita isn't here, y/n i swear he's not here" his jaw clenched to the point i heard his teeth.
zoning back in i wobbly tried to stand up shushing atsumu.
"he's okay, he prolly is getting help atsumu, don't worry ab kita he's smart."

i used the chain on my hands to my advantage to help me stand i felt my hands hurting from the weight but i spinned around slowly, seeing suna asleep in the floor covering his head, aran in the same cell in a corner with his head pushed to the concrete sleeping very lightly.

osamu, he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"you're awake"kiyoomi rubbed the dogs missing ear now watching me examine where i was.
"poor atsumu been there for four hours"
my head cocked to see atsumu's red bloodied face, his cut arms, and gashed open stomach.
i gave a serious confused look only for atsumu to push through his teeth biting of pain.
"f-four hours of this.— you've been..counting- you d-o care omi."

I'm happy you're okay now(rewriting in process)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें