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sorry i've been so bad ab rewriting it and it's kinda wonky.
and cringe. only good parts are horror and sex scenes pls.

i was cold and i was pulling my sweats up feeling the cloth stick to my skin from the cold blue water.
"well fun" suna laughed holding his shirt now pulling his shoes on.
"i think that was the first time you made me cum suna" i teased now ringing my hair out a bit.
"so funny i think that's the first time you gave a decent hand job" he slapped me with his shirt now walking up the hill.
"not funny bro. " we both walked our way back to camp seeing nightfall come earlier from the big mountains behind us.
"do you think kitas back" suna was walking beside me hitting my arm every other step with his swinging arm.
"prolly been about an hour and a half if not i don't know"
(40 minutes later)

the camp still not sight, but odd noises were coming from the woods all around us. it sounded like humans mimicking animals.

"they're here to take you" suna teased pushing my softly.
"shut up it's probably osamu or something" i pushed him back.
"oh yeah he was getting it on while we were raw dogging it" he laughed now almost falling from himself thinking he's so funny.

"sure mhm you're gonna be horny all weekend just from that"
he nodded now grabbing my hand a bit.
"because it's so nice the way you grip me" he dragged his words out like a kid getting in my face.
"shut up" the camp lights slightly coming into sight from the hill.

"there's camp" i said pointing over the small tree tops.

he leant down and got to his tippy toes looking everywhere for the lights.
"right there" i said pointing again but more aggressively.
"no-" he stopped dead in his tracks looking everywhere wide eyed infront of him. "where?"

a loud crash coming from infront of us made us jump, i looked down the trail jow not seeing any lights, the lights i saw before.

"the fuck-" suna said pulling his hand over his eyes to see easier.
"what was that?" -S
"why ask me?" -Y/n
"oh it might be the guys" i said now continuing our walking on the path waiting for suna to catch up.

"true" he caught up stumbling down the rocky hill as we saw the camp with no lights and no fire going.

when we got to the tree line and walked through the field to our camp a dark grey smoke was coming off the campfire that was going when we left.

suna only walked around the fire poking it seeing the coals under it still hot.
"someone just put it out" he looked around seeing about an hour left of daylight from the tall trees.
"what?" i walked over to him seeing the ashes clumping together from water.
"are the boys back?"
i looked for the other car, it wasn't back.
"oh my god you idiot-" i slapped sunas shoulder. "lani is still here, and kiyoomi"

he just stared at me with a annoyed face walking away to the cooler now grabbing a drink opening it and pointing at me.
"pointing is gonna make me apologize" i slowly walked back to the tent following him.

"oh it will" he pushed his hand into his pocket now stepping into the tent.
he was quickly trying to zip the tent up but i was unzipping it stepping in as he stared at me.
"stop suna" i pushed his head away from me now sitting down.
"no" he said puckering his lips now drinking his drink.
"ok sure you do that" i grabbed my phone and my portable charger plugging it in.

(20 minutes later)

hearing a vehicle pull in and beside our tent as some music was mumbled from the inside, and talking.
my legs were ontop of sunas legs as he was on his phone playing a game and i was aswell on wattpad reading smut.
"they're back" he said not even looking away from his phone.

the sounds of talking stopped and the car engine died, doors opening as the boys were talking and laughing.

"nah leave the kayaks it's fine." -K
"alright i wonder what sunas doin" -O
"Boning" -A
shion went straight to his tent grabbing his psp and kita started making the fire again.
i leant up from my disturbance.
i put my phone down getting out of my tent feeling suna pushing st my but with his foot.

i stepped out now walking over seeing its dusk, i grabbed the camping chair sitting down with my throw over jacket.
"have fun?" -Y/N
"oh yeah we did" -Atsumu
"did you put the fire out?" -Kita
i shook my head. "me and suna came back to it put out"
"odd." kita continued to try to light some wet leaves on fire.
"lani might of, or kiyoomi"-Atsumu
"i bet it's fine, if we can't get the fire going we'll just have a fend for ourselves tonight" kita said softly now concentrating.

i felt the bordem, i got up heading back to my tent now seeing suna  messing with his socks.
"if the fire doesn't catch we'll just be eating some snacks tonight" i sat down now taking my shoes off.
"that means i can sleep." suna said now rolling over stretching.

(1 hour and 30 minutes later of being on my phone)

it's been silence for awhile, no talking just talking from the tents. unless we were eating or doing something everyone was in their tent doing their own thing.

i felt sunas head digging into my back right about now as he was hugging himself into my back.
i elbowed him slowly trying to wake him up enough to move, but he just groaned like i just slapped him.
"suna roll over" i pushed at him a big only for him to slap my hand away groaning.
but i kept pushing softly.
"go sleep with osamu" he groaned now pushing his arm into my back groaning.

i got up now putting my shoes on as he took over my spot whimpering where am i going.

i zipped up the tent now walking to osamu tent unzipping it as he paused his game on his phone giving me a bitchy face.
"what happened" he said unamused.
"suna was being a bed hog told me to come sleep with you about it"

i laid down grabbing a pillow now rolling over putting my back to osamu as he scooted over putting a pillow between us as i drifted to sleep.


I'm happy you're okay now(rewriting in process)Where stories live. Discover now