16. What to Do

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A few months later

Beca was about 5 months pregnant at this point. We ended up going to go visit my family on our vacation. We drove down to my parents' house where we would be staying. Beca had given up on regular pants so she was just wearing leggings at this point. It was evident that Beca was pregnant. When we got there, my parents were waiting for us in the driveway. We got out of the car and started to unload the car. My dad did most of the heavy lifting. Beca almost killed him when he was about to bring in her music equipment. Beca ended up carrying in her equipment.

"Don't take it personally Dad, she's really protective of her equipment."

"I get it." He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. That's basically how he hugged. I followed after Beca. I figured she would be up in my old bedroom where we stay. I found her up there sitting on the bed crying. I immediately ran over to her and knelt down placing my hand on her knee.

"Beca, baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

In between sobs she said, "He... he... he made me a desk." She handed me the note that my dad had written. I know you like to work. Now you have a place to. -RB.

Across the room, was a beautiful walnut desk on the table. In the button corner of the flat top was carved, BM. Beca's initials. A piece of her in this space that was mine all my life. I wiped the tears from her face. She took a few deep breaths. "Better?" I asked.


"Good. So other than the emotions from the desk, how are you feeling?"

"My back hurts from sitting in the same position."

I laughed a little, "Take a nap sweetheart."


Chloe convinced me to take a nap. I slept until dinner. Ron gave me a kind smile and Amy gave me a very gentle bear hug.

"How are you feeling? Are you still struggling with morning sickness? Do you know what gender your baby is? What about name ideas? How are you going to decorate the nursery?"

"Uh... I'm okay. A little not as bad as I was. Not yet. We haven't really talked about it. We live in a one-bedroom apartment so there really won't be a nursery."

Ron chimed in, "Leave the girl alone Amy."


After dinner, Chloe and I just hung out in our room. Chloe put on a movie and we layed in bed all cuddled up. Chloe, very softly tracing shapes on my bump; my head on her shoulder just extremely content. Looking at us you would think that we would both have peace of mind at this moment. However, my mind was racing. I couldn't stop thinking about everything. Where would we put all the baby stuff in the apartment? What are we going to name the baby? Were we ready for this? Was this all a mistake? Somehow, while stuck in my own head, we had gotten ready for bed and Chloe was asleep. I was too in my head to sleep so I did what I used to. I got up, grabbed my laptop and headphones. Even though I had a beautiful desk in the room, I didn't want to possibly wake up Chloe. I went and sat at the breakfast bar by the kitchen. I opened my laptop and plugged in my headphones. I probably should have done work that night. But instead, I made mashups until I got bored and then I just went on Twitter and continued to listen to music. I ended up looking at houses in the area near our apartment before giving up and just working on more random mashups.

I don't know what time it was at this point in the night.


The next morning, Beca wasn't in the room. I checked the bathroom first. No Beca. I wandered downstairs where I found her. Asleep. Her headphones awkwardly still on her head. Her computer still on. I sighed.

"Old habits die hard I suppose." Mom said. She was in the kitchen making breakfast and coffee as quietly as humanly possible.

"I suppose..." I gently took the headphones off of her head. Closed her computer. And picked her up and carried her up to the room. I tucked her into bed before going back downstairs.

"Beca in bed now?"

"Yeah. I'm worried about her mom."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. She's just... She works a lot which is normal for her. But she doesn't get enough sleep. I'm just scared for what will happen after the baby is born."

"Chloe, Beca will be fine. She is going through a lot right now. She is growing a literal human in her. Right now what she needs more than anything, is support."

"I am supporting her. I ask her all the time how she's feeling and if there's anything I can do for her."

"Honey. This is Beca we're talking about. She doesn't tell you what she's feeling. Nor does she ask for help. It's up to you."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Give her a massage. Encourage her to nap. Get her a body pillow. She might not sleep because she's uncomfortable." 

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