8. Answers

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I spent the whole day up in my room studying for my exam. Beca, Mom, and Matt got back around dinner. Beca came upstairs with the biggest smile on her face. She plopped onto the bed after kissing my cheek. I spun in my chair.

"You're oddly happy."

"Am I?" She sat up to look at me. "Just had a good day I guess."

"I'm glad you had a good day. What did you guys go do?"

"Sorry, that's classified."


"Nope. You're not getting anything out of me."

I gave her a mischievous look before attacking her with tickles.

Beca made a little yelp noise as she began to laugh. "Stop it." she cried.

"Not until you tell me."

"Never gonna happen!"

"Well, then I will never stop."

Beca managed to escape me and went running down the stairs with me hot on her heels. She missed the last step and fell on her butt. I ended up tripping over her and landing across from her. Both of us laugh our now bruised butts off.

"Will I ever know what you did today?" I asked through laughter.

"Eventually you will have all the answers."

"Why not now?"

"Because..." she crawled over to me. "It's cute when you pout." she booped my nose.

"No faaaaiir." I crossed my arms pretending to pout.


We left Cleveland TN the next morning. Chloe was driving and I was texting pretty much non-stop.

Me: Hey. So I'm going to propose to Chloe after her graduation. You approve right? And you'll help me plan it?

Aubrey: Of course I approve. You guys were meant for each other. I'll definitely help you plan it. Would you also like me to help plan the wedding? I have a knack for getting people to do things.

Me: That depends on Chloe. But knowing her...probably.

Aubrey: Alright. Just let me know what you want for the proposal and I'll make it happen.

Me: Thanks Aubrey.

Aubrey: Of course!

"Who are you texting?" Chloe asked me.


"Oh about what?"

"Weddings. We were thinking of ideas for Emily's bachelorette party."

"Oooh. Fun!"

"Yeah. It's gonna be awesome."

"I think you mean..."



I facepalmed.


We had about a week until Emily's wedding. Beca spent most of the time lock up in the studio working. She was trying to get the album done before the wedding. It would prove to be a challenge. The rest of her team wasn't happy about her not being willing to promote the album while we were in Atlanta but after she said she was only there for a wedding they seemed to understand. I began to think about Beca and my future. Were we going to get married? Have kids? Were we just going to be girlfriends for the rest of our lives? After work, I picked up some dinner and met Beca at the studio. When I got there, Beca was in a booth editing a recording. She had her headphones on so she hadn't heard me come in. I set our food down and wrapped my arms around her. She jumped in her chair at first but then she realized it was me and grabbed my arms.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey. I brought dinner."

"Awesome." She got out of her chair and sat on the floor with me as we ate. "How was work?"

"Good. There was a Mastiff that came in for a check-up that just wanted to give everyone kisses."

"That's adorable."

"Yeah. What about you?"

"It was fine. Lotta work. Editing is exhausting."

"I bet. Does that mean you'll actually sleep tonight then?"

"We'll see," she smirked. "I'm done for the day if you wanna head home."

"Sure. Hey, I didn't see your car in the parking lot."

"Yeah, I took the subway. Car was having issues."

I smiled. "C'mon I'll drive you back." We got up off the floor and walked to the car hand in hand. 

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