15. Announcement

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The pregnancy was hitting me hard. I was sick and dizzy. I had started showing a little so Chloe and I were going to have to make an announcement on social media soon. Chloe had the idea of posting a picture of me working on my laptop. It was a picture I didn't know Chloe took. My hair was half up and I was in a grey tank top and shorts. My bump was visible and to make it even better, I even had my hand on over it. Chloe and I agreed that we would post it with the caption "a work in progress". The number of people who were so excited for us was overwhelming. I was crying while reading the comments. Billie was laying in my lap on the bed.

"Beca? You okay?" Chloe asked climbing into bed next to me. I handed her the phone. She scrolled through. "Beca these are all so sweet."

"I know. That's why I'm crying."

"Oh, Bec." She took me in her arms and held me until I had calmed down. I eventually fell asleep in her arms. When I woke up Chloe wasn't on the bed. Bille was still hanging out with me. I heard humming and when my eyes focused, I saw Chole working on dinner in the kitchen. She was wearing a faded Barden Bellas tank top. I came up behind her grabbing her waist.

"Hi Beca," She said. I kissed her cheek. Then trailed up to her ear then back down. All the way to her shoulders. "Beca..."

I didn't respond. I just kept kissing her. I gave her a hickey on her neck before pulling her closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist. Chloe turned our faces inches apart. She put her arms around my neck. She turned me so I was the one against the counter. I could feel her breath on my neck as she leaned in to whisper "Is this what you wanted"

"H-hi," was all I could stutter out.


The next morning, Beca was still asleep when I woke up, which wasn't unusual then. I got up and got ready to go to the gym as I had the day off. I left the apartment at 7 and got back at 9. Beca still wasn't awake. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I went and crouched next to the bed. I went to play with her hair. I thumb brushed her forehead. "Why are you warm?" I whispered. I ran and grabbed a thermometer. We have a nice one that you scan across your forehead. I took Beca's temperature. 99.3° Beca was running a low-grade fever. I immediately called Aubrey.

"Hello?" Aubrey said

"Hey. Beca has a fever. I mean it's a low-grade fever. Only 99.3° but still."

"Okay. She should be fine. Keep an eye on her fever and if she has any other symptoms. Let me know if it gets worse and I'll be right down."

"Okay, thank you."

"Of course, you guys are my patients, but also my family."

"Thanks, Aubrey. Talk to you later."

"See you."

I sat on the couch with Billie until Beca finally woke up around noon. She came and sat next to me. She looked a little red.

"How long have you been up for?" she asked.

"Little while, how you feeling?"

"Pretty shitty. I'm like really nauseous and I'm like really cold and everything is like really sore."

"Well, you probably have the flu, you have a low-grade fever."



I was sick for about 3 weeks. Aubrey changed her schedule so she could stay with me during the day. I was absolutely miserable. I slept till noon and went to bed at like 9:30. Aubrey wouldn't let me work so Theo ended up having to call her. After that, I was allowed to work a little. Aubrey did weekly checks of me and the baby just to be safe. The baby continued to grow which meant so did my stomach. By the time I was back to my 100%, my clothes were a little too tight. I had gotten dressed for the day, Chloe and I were going to run some errands together. I wore a black tank top, jeans that I struggled to button, and an open green flannel.

"Woah," Chloe said when she saw me.

"What? This is what I normally wear."

"I know babe but, I don't think you want to show your chest off that much... I won't stop you though."

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was basically spilling out of the top of my shirt and my pants seemed like they were on the verge of popping open. I groaned. I threw on a hoodie. "This is the best I can do."

Chloe smiled gently. "C'mere." She took her hair out of a ponytail. She looped the hair tie through the buttonhole and hooked the button on that. "We'll get you some new stuff when we're out okay?"

"Ok." I gave her a kiss. Her hands on my waist, with one moving up to my abdomen. She pulled away after a second.

"Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I was not looking forward to seeing what pictures people took or what people wrote but I knew that it didn't matter at this point. It's not like the pregnancy was a secret. 

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