12. Vacation

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Every year, The Bellas would do a retreat. This year, we rented a vacation house in Montana. It was beautiful. Or I was told it was. I spent most of the first day there with my head in the toilet. I got 2 hour calls from Luca about the people coming to apply for what used to be Sarah's job. I gave him my list of what I wanted in a person and told him I had total trust in him. He still called about every applicant. The house we were staying at was about 45 minutes from Glacier National Park. We spent a few days at the park, but most of the time we either stayed at the house or went out. I still wasn't feeling all that great but I had my wife and my friends. I sat outside and worked on music. Some of the Bellas went rafting. Billie and I went paddleboarding instead. About a week into our stay, I got hit with a migraine. It was so bad that even Chloe being as quiet as possible in our room was too much. Chloe had convinced the Bellas to stay out of the house that day. I'm not entirely sure what they did but no one, to my knowledge, got arrested. The next day I still wasn't 100%.

"Take it easy okay?" Chloe asked. I just nodded slightly in response. We spent a lazy day at the house. Some of us in the hot tub, some in the pool, others just chilling in the yard. We did decide to have a movie night that night though. We let Emily pick what we watched. She decided on Princess Diaries. We all piled onto the couches and chairs. I snuggled into Chloe; Billie sitting on both of us. Chloe played with my hair while watching. I ended up drifting off in the middle of the movie. When I woke up the next morning, I was in bed still in my clothes from the day before. Chloe must have carried me upstairs after the movie. I got up out of bed and went to shower and get dressed for the day. I wasn't sure what, if anything, was planned but I figured I should still get dressed.


I sat at the breakfast bar with Cynthia Rose. It was Aubrey and Emily's turn to make breakfast, so they were in the kitchen.

"So what's up with Beca? Is she okay?" Emily asked while cooking some ground sausage.

"Of course. Why wouldn't she be?"

"I dunno, she just doesn't seem like herself right now."

Aubrey and I exchanged a look.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" Cynthia Rose asked.

"Uh," I said.

"There is isn't there. Tell us." Emily said.

"Guys I can't I have to ask Beca."

"Ask me what?" Beca said wrapping her arms around my shoulders and kissing my cheek. Her wet hair brushing against my exposed shoulders.

"What are you hiding from us?" Emily asked.

"I mean we can tell them right? I mean at least we don't have to worry about these two posting about it."

"It's up to you Bec."

"Why not. I mean they are basically family."

"Just tell us already." Emily said basically bouncing.

"OKay okay. Chill. You really want to know?" Beca asked.

"Yes!" Both Emily and C.R. exclaimed.

Beca and I looked at each other before we said, "We're pregnant." 

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