10. Wedding Bells

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I was in the room with my side of the wedding party. I had Amy, Cynthia Rose, Lily, Jessica, and Chloe's brother Matt. Aubrey was techinacally part of both mine and Chloe's side but as she was also our orginizer, she did her own thing, with our permission of course. I was in a navy blue suit with a white shirt. Chloe asked if I would wear something other than black, so I found the darkest blue I could.

"How we doing in here?" Aubrey said poping into the room.

"Great. Yeah. Great." I ran my hands through my hair for the 80th time in the last 5 minutes. "I feel like I'm forgetting something. What Am I forgetting?"

Aubrey gave a small laugh and went to the vanity. She picked up a light pink rose and pinned it to my lapel. "There. Now you're ready."

Our friends all walked down the isle to their spots. My dad walked me to the alter. He gave me a kiss on my head before taking his seat. I stood there staring at the double doors where the love of my life would be coming from. They opened reviling Chloe and her dad. Her dress had a ever-so-slight pink tint to it which her lips matched. Her beautiful blue eyes locked onto mine as our breathing became one. Ron kissed Chloe on the cheek before I took her hand, leading her to the alter. Her makeup light allowing the gentle smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose to be seen. Her firey red hair was in a beautiful bun with a strand on both sides down and gently curled.

"You look so... I... uh... hi..." I stuttered. I didn't have the words to properly explain how amzing she looked. She smiled.

"Cat got your tounge?" She teased.


"We are gathered here today in celebration of the untity of Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale." said the officiant said

I smiled at Beca. "Here we go." I whispered.

"If anyone has a reason as to why these 2 should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

We stood there smiling at each other for half a second before the doors exploded open.

"I Object!" yelled Jesse. Everyone, including myself gasped. I looked over to Beca. Her pupils huge, face pale and breathing short. Her hand started migrating to her collarbone. Instictivly I grabbed it before she could do damage to herself.

"Jesse." Aubrey said stepping from her place in the wedding party.

"Sir, what reason do you have that they should not be wed?"

"Shewasengagedtome." he slurred obivously drunk.

"Were you married?"

"No. they were not." Aubrey said. "He was abusive so Beca called off the engagement."

"I see. As prior engagment is not a reason why these to should not be wed. I believe we can continue with the cerimony."

Aubrey dragged Jesse out of the chapel and to god knows where. Beca was still panicking. "Can you give us a moment?" I asked. The officiant nodded and I led Beca outside. Her breathing was shallow.

"Hey. Hey look at me. Its okay. You are okay. He's not going to ruin this. We can stay out here as long as you need. It will be okay." Beca buried her head into my chest.

"I love you." She whispered breathlessly.

"I love you too."

Once she had calmed down enough, we went back inside. 

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