Chapter 3

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I got to work pretty early, as soon as I dropped Phillip off I decided to head towards the tv station. It was a pretty long walk but it felt nice to get out by myself for a while, the only problem trying to ignore the feeling in my stomach every time I turn the corner. Getting a taxi everywhere mostly eliminates seeing him, although a couple of times I convince myself a man with long dark hair is exactly that. A random person. "Hey Uzi" I walk into our office and set my stuff down on my desk. "Did you finish deciding our project?" I've been looking forward to hearing what we're working on since Uzi mentioned it was about music. Most of the pieces we previously worked on have been mundane, to say the least. 

"Yea actually" Uzi walks over to my desk and handed me a file. "I was thinking that you could work on this" I flip open the file, Uzi continues to talk. "I'm going to catch up on emails" 

"Okay sounds good" 

"If you need any help I'm always here" I look up at him and raise my eyebrows. 

"Uzi I've been working here for five years now ill be fine" 

"Okay okay, ill leave you to it" I continue to flip through the brief and see the groups name, Clipping. The name seems familiar but I continue to flip through the file and start my research. 

"Hey uzi"

"Yeah, what's up"

"So do you want me to write an article or an interview for this" most of the time Uzi and I make interview scripts for the presenters and some background info for them but once in a while we create articles for the website or other newspapers to buy.

"Oh I forgot to say its for the rolling stone magazine"

"Oh god okay, are you sure you want me to do this?"

"YN you've worked here for five years I think you can handle it" Uzi flashes me a wink and I get back to work. This can't be that bad, right? I just have to listen to a few of their songs and say what I think about them. I scroll through the wiki page and my heart drops. Artists: Daveed Daniele Diggs. Great, the one article I get to write on rolling stones it's him. I'm not going to let this stop me. I refer back to the file to check what I need to work on 'visions of bodies being burned' Its an interesting album name to say the least. I start by downloading all the music on my phone. While It's downloading I check his Instagram to see what he's been up to after about ten minutes of snooping around all I noticed was the difference in hair length. "what ya looking at" Uzi almost materialised out of know where. 

"The article ... it's about Daveed" As soon as I dropped his name he grimaced. 

"oh god I'm so sorry I can take it if you want I didn't realise" 

"No no, it's fine I've got it" I smiled and checked the download. "Do you mind if I take a walk while I listen to this" 

"Yeah go ahead" I instantly pack all of my stuff up and head out I begin my walk and turn on the first song. As soon as his voice comes through headphones my heartbeat quickens, I'm not sure if it's good or bad I take a deep breath and continue. 

After a couple of hours, I make my way home. And start typing away after a while my phone starts buzzing, I catch it just before it falls off the table and answer it. "Hi YN how are you"

"Uzi I'm fine honestly I've even started to write the article"

"Yeah about that, do you think you can finish it today?" 


"Yeah the editor called earlier today and asked for it asap because they have space in tomorrows edition" 

"uh yeah, I guess ill see what I can do" I check the time and its time to pick up Phillip. "All alright ill see you in a but I need to pick up Phil"

"okay see you soon YN" 

"What's that in your hand buddy" I had walked to the school pretty quickly listening to the album trying to think of extra points to make, Phillip was already standing outside waiting for me with a box in his hands. 

"It's a surprise you have to be patient" I laugh at his seriousness. 

"Okay pip" 


"How about when it's just you and me I can call you pip?" He took a big breath and stepped in front of me stopping me in my tracks

"Okay but just you and me okay" His eyes squinted and me and lowered his voice to a hush 

"Okay," I whisper back. Most of the trip back consisted of Phillip teasing about what was in the box and scaring away any animals that dared come near it. As soon as I unlocked the door Phillip rushed to the kitchen and placed the cardboard box on the counter. "Are you going to tell me what's in their now?" 

"No! you have to wait until dinner!" 

"Okay okay" Almost instantly he disappears to his room, I take the time to work through the article. After a few hours of writing, editing and reading the article it started to come together nicely. Most of the points I covered were predominately positive - which was annoying - but the album was very well written and performed. I send the finished piece to Uzi and closed my laptop and made my way to Phillips room. Poking my head through the door I make him jump. "Are you ready for dinner" He shoots up and walk towards the box in the kitchen. 

"You can open it now" I lift the lid and look down at Phillip as I do the look of anticipation is heartwarming. Looking in the box I am greeted with what looks like two pizzas faces on them. 

"It's me and you!" I take a closer look at the dishes and smile, the eyes are made with two bug pepperonis and the nose with a mushroom. the mouth is the best bit with a big cheesy grin. "Do you like them" He practically replicates the smile and I can't help but do the same. 

"Their amazing" I Put them both in the oven and watch TV with Phillip until they finish. Just as I get up to check them a text comes through on my phone 

Uzi: the article is amazing, I've just sent it to the editor and they love it !!! 

You: Thanks 

Uzi: you don't need to come to work tomorrow ill just be going through paperwork unless you want to help me 😂 

You: No I think ill pass  😆

"Dinner is ready Phillip" I put the pizzas on plates and set his in front of him. We both tuck in, It doesn't take long for us to finish. "you should cook more often" I take the plate from him and washup. I walked back into the living room and see Phillip vigilantly watching TV "Hey pip you need to get to bed now" I walk closer to him when I don't get an answer and see him fast asleep on the sofa. I carry him to his bed and tuck him into the sheets, I decide to do the same and fall asleep in mine. 

A/N Hi guys I just want to say thank you to all my new followers there is 10 of you now this is crazy. So I was wondering how you guys feel about Daveed after what happened in the previous book especially what he did in chapter 21. Do you think he has changed? I would love to hear your point of view in the comments. But if you don't want to that's fine as well okay that's it byeeeeeeee.  

𝕀 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ... 𝕃𝕚𝕟-𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕦𝕖𝕝 𝕄𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕒 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant