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Author pov;

Around a week had passed since Soobin started to work at Yeonjun's company and he was already starting to adapt to his surroundings. However, something he couldn't quite get over was when he had to watch Yeonjun being scolded.

The older was extremely professional when it came to his job but that didn't mean that he doesn't have slip ups.

"Yeonjun please focus! Yeah? This is such an easy shot, I just need you to focus, okay?" The producer of a commercial exclaimed with an irritated tone and Yeonjun was quick to apologise, not trying to stand up for himself.

The director, who was standing behind the camera sighed before speaking, interrupting the producer before he could say more.

"Let the boy rest, we'll be back in five everyone." With that the crew went to do their respective things while Yeonjun crouched down on the ground and ruffled his hair in irritation.

Hearing a voice cleaning their throat, Yeonjun looked up to be met with a soft concerned look. "You didn't sleep last night did you?" Soobin asked and Yeonjun lowly chuckled, nodding his head lowly.


"Junnie, you can't keep doing that. It's not good for your health." The younger spoke, their tone laced with concern as he handed the older a water bottle.

"I know, I know. Sorry bin." He smiled up at the taller with a weak smile.

Hearing the director motioning for everyone to go back to work Soobin sighed watching as the hairstylists and make up artists swarmed in to check up on the idols appearance. With a soft smile sent to the older, Soobin headed back to his position behind the camera and waited for the shoot to resume.


After the shoot ended, Soobin said goodbye to the older artist before heading off to his mini office at the back of the building to edit the footage from that day. He had been assigned to add the subtitles as well as some little pop up edits so he had rather a lot to do.

Soobin wasn't exactly fluent in English but he knew enough to form sentences and he had his trusty dictionary for support not really wanting to rely on google translate.

Soobin had fully indulged himself into his work when he heard a knock on the office door. "Come in." He said still facing his computer, only turning to see who it was when a familiar voice bounced off the walls.

"Working hard aren't you bin?" Yeonjun asked as he peaked his head around the door. Soobin immediately smiled.

"Hmm I guess. I thought your next shoot didn't finish for another hour?" The taller asked after checking his phone.

"Oh wow...haha." Soobin giggled awkwardly realising he had actually been working longer than he realised. Yeonjun laughed at that before walking in the room fully and ruffling the younger's fluffy looking hair.

"Come with me to lunch?"

Walking with their arms linked, Soobin and Yeonjun were talking when they bumped into Yeonjun's manager. The both greeted him before continuing to walk, that being until they called out.

"Yeonjun, you're going to lunch right? Make sure you don't eat too much, okay? You need to watch your weight again." The manager said before walking away, once having gained a nod from the idol.

Yeonjun sighed heavily, catching the tallers attention. Soobin was going to mention something but yeonjun's wide smile and cheery voice cut him off.

OUR VERY OWN FAIRYTALE LOVE STORY ; YEONBINWhere stories live. Discover now