The Search Begins

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The hair moves from my face to show me my worst fear standing in front of me. He has on his famous black suit and blood red tie and his head is white with no face. He is incredibly thin and extremely tall. Six tenticles (three on each side) stretch out from his back and flow as if they have minds of their own.

"I'm giving you another shot," his monstrous voice booms.

"Why don't you just kill me?" I ask.

He laughs maniacally,  "That would ruin the fun. Anyway you have three days to find the teddy bears I've hidden in the school."

The thought of doing the search again frightens me, but I know it must be done. School is on break for a while so I don't have to worry about that, but there is one question that plagues my mind.

"Why me?"

"Let's just say I made a deal with an old freind."

Than just like that he vanishes out of sight. I sit there in shock as Kaylee and Eliot scramble to their feet. They head over to me talking to me worriedly but their voices are muffled. I start to get dizzy and suddenly I'm having trouble staying awake. Eliot begins to shake me and I'm zapped back into reality.

"Reign, are you okay?" Eliot says.

"I am now I think."

"You scared me," he says tucking some hair behind my ear.

"We need to go tell your dad what happened and get started," says Kaylee. "Do you think you can do this again? Will you be okay?"

"I think so,"I respond. "I've got you guys."

They smile and Eliot says, "And we will never give up."


"Do I need to run through the plan again, or do you get it?"

"I get it," I respond to Travis one of the two agents that are here to keep me safe.

Travis is so kind and funny. We've bonded a lot today and he just reminds me so much of Jake. Jake is my older brother who's in the army.

"Ok we can do this," says Stacey, the other agent.

Stacey is more strict and down to the point then Travis, but she is still very nice.

I nod and all five of us head out. That is me, Kaylee, Eliot, and the two agents. The lights go off and the search begins.

"Stay close behind me and remember don't use your gun except in extreme circumstances."

I nod as I feel the gun tucked into my pants. They gave us all one; it was kind of surprising, but I guess its good precautions. It scares me though the thought of me firing a gun and even just the fact that I've got one. I almost asked if I could just go without, but I just decided not to.

We walked down the dark hallway, Travis and Stacey with gun over flashlight. We walked slow, but not too slow. Each time we came to a classroom we opened the door to check for any teddy bears. It seems kind of weird, I didn't recognize some areas it was like the school had been turned into a maze.

"Do you recognize any of this?" I whisper to Eliot.

"No, this is weird."

"How about you Kaylee?" I ask.

She shakes her head no.

Ok good its not just me. Well its not good I guess. Whatever.

"Hey Travis?" I ask

"Whats up?" He responds.

"None of us recodnize any of this and I feel like we we're just here."

"Ya and it definitely doesn't go with the map," he says. "Just stay on alert, we can do this."

"Ok," I respond.

Travis is really comforting considering he reminds me so much of my brother.

As we walk I spot a teddy bear on some metal piece with a sword stabbed through its stomach. Kaylee gives me a boost and I grab it off the wall.

"One down!" Says Travis with a smile.

I smile back and we continue walking down the hallway until we reach another classroom. Travis motions us to stay and he slowly opens the door. At first everything seems okay until this great wind blows and sucks him in. The door slams shut and Stacey frantically tries to open it.

"No!" She yells pounding at the door as the tears fill up.

I stand there starring at the door shocked at what had just happened. Then the tears form in my eyes too. He could still be alive true, but now he was with Slenderman.

Eliot comes over to comfort me and I lean into his chest crying as he wraps his arms around me.

"Its okay we'll find him. We can't give up, not now, not ever." He says.

"We better keep moving," says Kaylee.

"Right," says Stacey.

I nod and exit from the hug. We walk down the hall and I see a drinking fountain.

"I'm gonna get a drink," I say.

"Okay," says Eliot.

I walk forward and with my back toward the group I drink some of the water. At first its good then when I lean back to take a breath I notice the water slowly becoming blood. I scream and turn around sending Kaylee and Eliot on red alert.

"That's not Travis' is it," I ask scared he might be dead.

"I don't know," says Eliot.

"Guys," says Kaylee.

"What?" We both ask simultaneously.

"Stacey's gone."


Yayayaayyayaay I'm really excited for this book! Thanks so much for reading. If you could star and comment I would really appreciate it! Love ya readers!

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