The Secret

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"Look at you. All caught up with them," says Shane. "Your best friend who saved your life. Your lover who saved you first. Your parents who are keeping a devastating secret, and Travis the one who reminds you of your brother."

"My parents don't keep stuff from me," I say to Shane. "You're wrong."

I turn to them and to my disappointment I see them with nervous expressions.

"What is it," I say a little worried.

"We were going to tell you," says dad. "Really."

"Just tell me!" I say.

"Jake'm sorry but he died in battle," says dad.

The feeling is so hard to explain its as if someone ripped out a piece of my heart. Tears fill my eyes and I fall to the ground.

"No!" I yell. "How could you!"

I think they respond but I can't hear nor want to. I curl my head into my arms and lay there on the floor.

How am I going to tell Marcus? If they hadn't told me they sure haven't told him. Probably because he's at Aunt Susan's.

I think about all my memories of Jake all the good and bad ones.

six years ago

As I run to the door I wipe off the tears. I open it and practically fall into Jakes arms.

"Scooby ran away!" I say sobbing.

"Come on," he says walking me to his truck. "We'll find him."

We drove for hours with the windows rolled down yelling his name. Hoping he would show up. We pulled over and prayed then started the truck again then there he was right in front of us. Jake let me have him in my lap instead of in the back and we drove home.

Five years ago at momma's funeral

"She's gone," I say sobbing into his chest.

"No she's not. She's up there waiting for us," says Jake rubbing my back as I hug him.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do without her."

"You have me and dad. It'll be okay. This is God's plan."

"I need to find out who did this," I say with a more angry tone.

"Leave that to the police, Reign. Promise me you won't go after the killer."

As he said the killer a chill krept up my spine and hatred grew in my heart, but I knew I couldn't do it.

"I promise."

Two months ago
Jake's perspective
"Brookard!" Says the sergeant.

"Yes sir!" I respond.

"Head out east with Thompson and Gates."

"Yes sir!" We say.

I lead the men carefully stopping occasionally to make sure we're alone.

"Stay here," I say holding my hand out I'm not sure why I went ahead alone I just felt like I should.

I walk slowly taking careful slow steps. All of a sudden there's an explosion beneath me causing me to be sent flying back. I feel excruciating pain and I look at my legs only to see that they're gone. Blood is spewing out where they should be. Charlie and Tam start running to me. Charlie is talking, but its so hard to hear. Tam pulls out her communicator and talks into it. Her eyes filled with worry and tears. She reaches out and grabs my hand.

"Go," I say. "You have to continue the mission."

"I can't leave you," says Tam as my hearing starts to come back a little.

Charlie nods at me and grabs Tam's arm pulling her away. I see just for a split second someone standing a little ways a way.

"Goodbye Jake," Charlie says.

"Goodbye," I say before I feel myself slipping away and before I realize the person was Shane.

"No!" yells Tam.

Back to the present
Reign's perspective

A plan starts forming in my head as I lay there sobbing, a horrible plan. A horrible plan that just might work. I slowly stand and turn to face Shane. Who's got that stupid evil grin on his face. Too bad he doesn't know what I'm planning that would wipe it off for sure.

"Was it you?" I ask.

His smile widens.

"Did you kill my brother!? Did you do this!?" I yell.

"You don't think he died with honor saving someone or something do you? Of course it was me."

I lunge at him positioning my hands so they can go around his worthless neck, but of course he vanishes and reappears beside me.
As I get ready to unfold my plan the smile now appears on my face. Giving Shane a confused and fearful look. I reach in my boot and pull out the small hand gun. I check and make sure its loaded. I find one bullet, but that's all I need.

"That won't work on me," says Shane.

"I know," I say cocking the gun. "But it will work on me."

Then I put the gun to my head and feeling the cold metal on my temple I pull the trigger.

Shane had finally lost and I had won.


Getting real close to the end so I'm probably going to update more often. Please rate and comment it means a lot! Love ya readers!

****The Book Is NOT Over****

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