Back Again

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I wake up with fast heavy breaths. I open my eyes to see that I'm in that horrible room. The one where Shane tortured me or maybe I never left. My arms and legs are strapped down and a bar is over my forehead. I see Eliot frantically undoing the straps.

"I'm alive," I say shocked.

"Of course you are," Says Eliot.

When he gets the straps off I sit up and give him a hug.

"Was it a dream?" I ask knowing the answer.

"Yes. Its alright," he says hugging me back.

In the dream we confessed our love and now I don't know if he really feels that way. I also don't know if Jake is really dead or if Kaylee really hates me.

"We gotta go," he says pulling away from the hug.

"We have to get Kaylee," I say.

"Of course."

He helps me up and somehow I get my wobbly legs to run beside him. He grabs my hand and we run.

"Do you know where she is?" I ask him.


We make our way through a series of hallways and doors until finally we come to the room where Kaylee is.

"Kaylee!" I say as I run to her and give her a hug. "I thought I'd never see you again."

She hugs me back tightly and says, "Me neither."

I knew the dream couldn't of been true, I think to myself. Kaylee's scared of water.

"We have to go," says Eliot.

I nod and help Kaylee up.

But just before we leave we're stopped by a noise. I turn and see Shane.

"I can't let you go," he says. "Don't you see? Imagine what would happen if people found out you got away from me and Slenderman. We've got a reputation to uphold."

Then he pulls out a gun and cocks it, "You're not going anywhere."

It all happens so fast him pulling the trigger, Kaylee yelling no, and me getting shoved to the ground.
I sit up and see Kaylee on the floor with a circle of blood slowly growing on her stomach.

"No," I say as I make my way over to her.

Her face is going pale and her eyelids are lowering.

"You're my best friend," she says. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Don't talk like that," I say as I feel tears form. "You're going to be fine. It's all going to be fine."

"You treat her well," she says to Eliot who has moved to the other side of her.

He nods and grabs her hand.

"You can end this, Reign. I believe in-" Kaylee says before she goes unconscious.

"She's still breathing," says Eliot. "But we need to be quick."

I'm here, I hear a voice say in my head. It's Travis. I'm coming to you.

Then Travis bursts through the door and holds out his hand torwards Shane. A burst of gold light comes out of his hand and hits Shane. Then after that Shane is gone. At the sight I recall the dream I had back when I was taken by the lady in black and realize the person who shot Slenderman was him.

"How did you-" I ask before I'm interrupted.

"We have to go. Now," says Travis.

Eliot picks up Kaylee and we head out.

"Your parents are this way," says Travis as he leads us.

But I don't say a word I just can't grasp the fact that Kaylee's so hurt. She is my best friend in the world and I can't lose her. I don't know how I would cope if I did. Or what I'd do. Then I remember my brother's reassuring words when my mom died.

You have me and dad. It'll be okay. This is God's plan.

But did I really have him and dad? Are my parents okay right now? Is Jake dead or was that a lie in the dream?

We open the door to the room and inside I see my parents. I go to them and hug them then I ask the question that's almost too painful to ask.

"Is Jake okay?"

"No, sweetie I'm sorry," says dad. "How did you know?"

"My dream."

Now it feels like three parts of my heart have been ripped out and dumped somewhere like they don't matter.

"Let's go we need to hurry," says Eliot.

"You guys go we'll catch up," says Travis.

Once they leave he turns to me and says, "I know about Stacey. You need to know it isn't your fault. Also I figured I have kept my secret long enough. I'm going to tell you who I am and why I can do certain things."

"Okay," I say.

"I'm your guardian angel," he says.

"What about Henry?" I ask. "How come he could heal me and stuff?"

"He is Eliot's guardian."

I give him a hug, "Thanks for everything."

"I have to wipe your memory."


"I'm sorry."


I watch as my dad grabs the folded flag at Jake's funeral. I get up and place a single red rose next to Dad's on his coffin after my dad sits back down. Then Marcus wheels himself up, puts another red rose on, and brings himself over to me. Mom comes up next and puts a white rose on then sits back down. Eliot gets up and puts another white one down turning to me with a sympathetic look. Then Kaylee wheels herself over and puts one on too.
Kaylee survived the gunshot, but she's still recovering that's why she's in a wheelchair. As for Slenderman he was never found and even though that scares me I know I have people and God looking out for me.
I don't know how long I've sat here after the service, but all the other chairs are gone now. Except for Eliot's. He's sitting there next to me not saying a word and so is Kaylee on the other side in her wheelchair. I sit staring at my brother's grave silently then the tears I have been trying so hard to hold back come pouring out. Eliot holds out his arms and I lean into the hug crying into his chest.

"Totally third wheeling here," says Kaylee.

I let out a small chuckle then turn and hug her too. Then I sit back up. I see a man who's cleaning up at another area in the graveyard and something about him seems familiar. His nametag says Travis so I brush the feeling away knowing I don't know anybody with that name.

"I don't know how I can do it," I say.

"Do what?" Asks Eliot.

"Live without him."

"You can do it Reign," says Kaylee. "I believe in you."

"That's right, this is all in God's plan for your life. You have us, and we will never give up."

The End.

The Stalking will return.

Oh my goodness I finished the 2nd book! Thanks for all your support and for just reading. I couldn't of done it without you! Love ya readers!

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