The Rake

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Just as the words escape his mouth we hear a rustle in the bushes outside of the glass door in front of us. Henry walks to a stand with drawers and pulls out a small handgun.

"Get behind me," he says cocking the gun.

"That's not gonna work-" I say before Henry cuts me off.

"Get behind me!"

I move behind him silently just as I hear the sound of glass breaking. I look over his shoulder to see the glass door completely destroyed. Then I see it, the Rake. The sight makes me gag it looks like a malnourished creature with no hair. Its got suprer long claws coming from its...feet? I turn away at the sight and Henry fires about five shots.

"Get to the car!" He says.

"What about-"

"Just go!"

I turn, open the door and run outside. I make it to the car and hop in the passenger seat. I see him run out of the house, but the Rake is on his trail. He runs fast and hops in the drivers seat just before it lashes out at him. At first I'm confused when I see him go into reverse, but then I understand when I feel the car hit the Rake. He changes back to drive and zooms down the road.

"My dad has some guns stored at my house," I say as I grip on to the handlebar above me.

"Yeah, but isn't your house in this neighborhood?" He asks.

"Ya, but I was thinking- wait, how do you know that?"

"Eliot told me when he brought you to the hospital," he says quickly.

"Okay. Anyway, I think it'll be okay because its the last place they'll expect us to be."

"We have to be quick."

"Okay. Turn here," I grip the handle harder when we take a sharp turn. "Its the one straight ahead."

I get out once we park and gasp. The house is old looking, like really old. Its overrun with moss and pieces of the roof are falling off.

"Wha-a-" I stop when I see Henry talking to my neighbor Sam.

"Do you know what happened to this house?" He asks.

"That house?" He asks.
Henry nods and he says, "Its been abandoned for about eighty years."

I fall to the ground and put my hands over my mouth in shock. I grew up here. This, this is my home!

"Are you okay?" Sam asks me.

"I-i-ts not true," I respond still frozen in the same position staring at my house.

"What's not true?" He asks.

"What you said. This is my house! You're Sam Jacobs my neighbor since I was eight. You're sixteen and drive a blue mustang with black racing stripes."

"Woah. Woah how do you know that!"

"Because I'm your neighbor!"

"You're crazy!" He says then I hear footsteps running away.

I feel Henry's hand on my shoulder, but I still stay frozen.

"We need to go."

I take my hands off my face and get up slowly. I silently walk to the car and we drive away.

"Do you know where it is?" I ask.


"Okay," I say suddenly feeling very tired and drifting off to sleep.


"Leave! You have too! I'm tired of people getting hurt because of me. Now go," I say to Henry as I step out of the car.

He drives away and I begin my walk down to my school. I reach the doors and they open automatically. I take a deep breath and pulling out my flashlight I walk in. The doors slam behind me causing me to jump and drop my flashlight I pick it back up and begin trying to find them. I walk down the dark hallway and my flashlight begins to flicker. I look down at it and try hitting it. It starts working again so I lift my head back up only to see Slenderman. I jump back in startlement and drop the flashlight. I try to shoot him but he teleports behind me.

I turn around and he says, "You finally came back."

"Yeah," I say. "Where are they?"

"That's something you'll have to ask Eskunari. Or as you know him, Shane."

With that he teleports away and Shane appears. I try to punch him in the face, but he dodges it.

"Where are my freinds and family? What have you done to them!" I yell.

"Relax, they're here," he says waving his hand causing the space around us to dissolve away.

We appear in a different room that's all grey with no doors or windows. I see Kaylee, Eliot, my parents, and Travis all chained to the wall.
I run over to them and give them each a hug with relieved tears.

"Where's Stacey?" Asks Travis after I give him a hug.

I look to the ground and grimly say, "I'm sorry."

I lift my head to see his eyes fill with sadness a tear escapes, something I would've never thought I'd see when I first met Travis.

"It's all my fault," I say. "All of this."

"Don't say that," says Eliot.

I turn to him and say, "But it is. None of you would've gone through this if it wasn't for me."


Sorry its been a little! Hope you guys like the new chapter! Voting and commenting means a lot to me. Thanks a bunch! Love ya readers!

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