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"Mr. Walker! Wake up! Please!" I say shaking him.

The car stops and I hear footsteps. My leg is stuck under the dash I try to shake it free, but its no use. My arm hurts and I look at it to see a big bloody gash. I try waking Mr. Walker again, but am having little luck.

"Please they're coming," I say.

I silently pray in my head, Dear God please protect me, if it is Your will please help me get away. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

Immediately after I'm done Mr. Walker wakes up. His breathing is fast and he's confused.

"Mr. Walker someone's comung we've got to go!"

He nods and turns to the dented dash restricting me. He takes his hands and pushes the dent in.

"How did you-"

"Just go! Out the back!" He says. "I'll hold them off and try to get back to you. Don't wait for me."

I crawl to the back and open the window. Even with a broken ankle I can manage to make a quiet landing. I look around. My options are back to my neighborhood or up a really steep hill. Given the state I'm in I think my best option is to go back to the neighborhood. There's no way I'd make it up that hill. I peer over the edge of the car to see some people headed toward Mr. Walker.

Wait is that? No. It can't be.

"Can't be who?" Says a voice behind me, I turn and see Eliot smiling.

"How did you get from there to- wait and how did you know-"

"Shhhh," he says putting a finger to my lips.

I brush his hand away. That was weird and unlike Eliot. I look at his eyes and see them all bloodshot and his pupil is a red color he's also super skinny, and his hands are all shaky.

"What happened to you?" I ask.

"Oh, nevermind that. What matters is you and me," he says getting closer.

"Eliot what are you doing?" I ask backing away.

"Quiet!" He says chuckling. "Or the bad guys who knocked you over will hear."

He gets closer, but there's no more room to back away unless I want to expose myself. His face is now inches from mine and his breath is hot. I decide my only chance is to run. I don't know what they've done to Eliot, but this isn't him.


"Ya?" He asks his mouth inches from mine.

"You seriously think I'm going to fall for that?" I ask while getting up and running.

I run as fast as I can manage with my bad ankle I hear his footsteps gaining behind me.

"You can't run! You're hurt. There's no escape."

I ignore the words and as I run I feel the tears roll down. The tears of pain and loss of a freind. I hope he can get better from whatever happened. My ankle hurts so bad. There's no way I can escape. I turn and run through a different section of the woods and find a cave. I grab a stick and throw it in. I don't hear any animal noises so I get in.
A match lights right next to me and I turn to see the person holding it. Its Eliot.

"Its funny how you think you can run," he says smiling.

"Are you Shane? Are you tricking me?" I ask.

"Very clever! And close, but not quite there. I'm just being controlled by him."

"Is the real Eliot still in there?" I ask.


"Can you prove it?" I ask.

His eyes change back to thier regular color and he starts breathing deeply.

"Reign," he says.

"Eliot, is Kaylee okay?"

"They've tortured us Reign."

"I'm so sorry," I say giving him a hug. "You have to tell me is Kaylee okay?"

"She's alive."

"Oh, I haven't been hugged in years," the Shane controlled Eliot says.

I pull away at the change, "Let him go!"

"Make me," he says.

I sit there unmoving.

God, please help me.

"That's right there's nothing you can do," he says moving closer. "I've got you right where I want you."

He places a kiss on my lips, but I just sit there unmoving and silent.

He presses on the gash on my arm causing me to screem.

"Not so quiet now," he says.

I try to rip my arm away but he squeezes it tighter.

"Why don't we talk face to face. Don't be a coward, Shane," I say my face cringed through the pain.

"Fine," he says.

Then Eliot falls limply to the ground and black dusts starts spinning forming a cloud. It slowly becomes Shane. I move over to check if Eliot is okay, but with a wave of his hand Shane sends me to the ground.

"Is he okay?" I ask.

"For now," Shane responds.

"Please don't hurt him or Kaylee or my family. Please, I'll do anything."

"Hahaha," he says with a wicked grin. "But what would be the fun in that? There would be no way to hurt you."

With a wave of his hand Eliot is lifted to the air and a gun appears in my hand. I look at it and at him.

"No," I say.

I try to drop the gun but it won't get out of my hand.

"Rise and shine," Shane says waking Eliot up.

"Reign, what are you doing?" He asks seeing my gun.

He tries to move but he's stuck in the air.

"Nothing I can't control it," I say tears falling.

"Its okay. I just want you to know I love you. I always have."

"Me too," I say my voice shaky from the crying.

My finger grasps the trigger and with one involuntary swift movement I shoot.


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