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"No!" I yell as the tears spill out.

I go over to Eliot and sit by him with his head in my lap.

"Hey," I say messing with his black hair. "Stay with me."

He looks up at me and smiles his mouth full of blood.

"Young love. So easily broken," says Shane.

"Leave us alone," I say.

"Reign, sometimes you gotta wake up. Snap back into reality," Shane says fading away.

"This isn't real, Reign."

"What do you mean?" I ask, but its too late he's gone.

My eyes start to close and I sleep.


I wake up in the forest in bright daylight I'm standing on the grass barefoot. I fall to the ground against a tree and sob into my hands.

Eliot's dead and its all my fault.

The birds sing high up in the trees every tweet making me want to punch something. I hold my head with my shaking hands. Rocking back and forth I sing the song my birth mother would sing to comfort me.

Everything that happens is in His plan.
He can make it better he can.
He created you and every other man.

Because God loves you.
He made you.
The stars shine above you.
As a reminder for you.
He will never leave you.
He'll always be right with you.

Just know in your heart.
You and Him will never be apart.
He's been with you from the start.

I feel a hand om my shoulder and jump. My breathing quickens and I turn to see my dad sitting next to me. I give him a hug and he squeezes me tight.

"Any love can be destroyed really," I hear Shane say.

I pull away from the hug, but notice my dad isn't phased, "Can he see or hear you?"

"Nope and he can't hear when you talk to me."

With a swish of his hand my dad screams in pain. I try to go to him but I'm stuck. So I try talking to him, but it won't work.

"Reign help me. What are you doing?" Says my dad.

"He can't hear you. He wants your comfort while he dies, but all he sees is you sitting there with a straight face," says Shane.

"No! Stop it!" I scream.

"Reign, how can you just sit there? I think I might be dying. What's wrong with you?" Says my dad.

"Dad! I love you!" I scream and try to move toward him but can't.

"And the speculation begins," says Shane.

"Reign, did you do this?" He asks.

"No! Of course not!"

"He can't hear you," says Shane smiling his face inches from mine. "All he sees is you sitting there. How 'bout I place a smile on your mouth?"

He waves his hand and my dad's face turns to shock, "How could you-"

He barely has it left in him to utter the first words that by the time he says them he's gone. My father is dead.
Shane leaves again and I run to him, but I'm too late, he's gone. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I sit there balling until all the sadness and grief boils and rises inside of me. I stand up and scream. I run to the nearest tree and punch it with all my rage. A force from the blow shoves me back causing me to fall to the ground. I look at the tree and see a hole in the center right where I punched it. I look at my hands in shock and back at the tree. My knuckles on my right hand start bleeding. I stand up again but fall at the sudden dizziness, my knuckles are still bleeding. My mouth begins to fill with the horrible taste of blood and my head falls back. I watch as a puddle of blood forms around me until my eyes close.


I wake up gasping for breath I look around and make sense of my surroundings. Im in the ocean nothing but water as far as I can see. The water surrounds me I feel its cold sting as I tread the water. Its a deep dark blue the sky tells me that its late at night. The only light I have is from the full moon in the sky. A wave approaches me and I prepare myself. Im pushed under I hold my breath as the waves engulf me. I rise again and see someone else in the water.

"Hello?" I yell. "Who's there?"

"Reign? Is that you?"

"Kaylee?" I ask making sure I heard right.


"Stay there I'm coming to you," I yell as joyful tears run down.

I reach her and smile, "Are you hurt? How are you doing?"

"I'm good," Kaylee responds.

Then Shane appears next to me and I turn to Kaylee who hasn't noticed or she can't see him.

"Can she see you?" I ask again.


"So it will just look like I'm attacking nothing then," I say reaching for him.

He flies higher out of my reach and says, "I'm afraid you're trapped by the water and um gravity."

"Leave me alone!" I yell at him.

"I'm afraid I am going to do the complete opposite."


Sorry it took so long! Thanks for reading please star and comment it means a lot! Love ya readers!

The Stalking 2: ElementaryWhere stories live. Discover now