True or False

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Kaylee's face turns to pure rage and soon she's swimming toward me.

"Kaylee? Are you okay?" I ask.

She doesn't respond she just keeps swimming closer.

"What did you do Shane?" I ask.

"Iv'e corrupted her mind. She now sees you as her enemy. Listen 'cause what I say is what she'll hear from you," he responds with a grin.

"So you've finally come to your senses. You've realized who the real enemy is," he says.

"No, no. Kaylee its not me," I say but I don't think she can hear me.

She lunges for me forcing my head under the water. I struggle to break free, but she has my neck in her hands forcing my head against the wet sand. I hold my breath, but I can feel my lungs screaming for air. Out of instinct I throw my fist at her and she goes unconscious. I sit up in the shallow water and cough. Then I pick up Kaylee and fireman carry her onto shore. I lay her down on the sand and sit by her

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," I say.

"See what did I tell ya. Love is easily broken. Any kind," says Shane sitting next to me on the beach.

"Why don't you just leave me alone!" I yell in anger.

He chuckles and moves closer to me then with a wave of his hand I fall asleep.


I wake up in my bed at my house. I look around and get up. I slowly walk downstairs.

"Its about time you came down," says my mom, Melanie when I enter the living room.

"Um what happened? I'm confused -"

"No time for chit chat," she says pulling out a gun.

"What are you doing?" I ask alarmed at the weapon.

"This is your fault, Reign. You caused all this. If it weren't for you Marcus would still be alive."

"Mom it wasn't me-"

"Stop just stop. You stood there while he was dying! Its your fault!" She yells her hands shaking.

"Mom, think about what you're doing! This isn't you! I know it," I say backing up.

"Oh, like you know me. You hated me when I first married your father!" She says moving forward.

"I don't anymore! I love you!" I say.

She cocks the handgun and says, "Oh ya. Like I'm supposed to believe that when you murdered Eliot and stood by while your father died. No wonder Kaylee hates you. You should be destroyed before anyone else dies."

I feel a tear roll down as I say, "Maybe you're right."

"I am," she says firing the trigger.

I fall to the floor as the bullet hits my chest. Pain so much pain. A circle of blood forms on my shirt and my mouth begins to fill with blood. My mom dissapears and Shane comes.

"Oh what do we have here? Your dying," he says with a frown.

"What did you d-d-o-"

"To her? Ha, twisted her thoughts played with her head a little. Humans, so much to work with in that brain of yours."

"What are you gonna do now? How are you gonna torture me when I'm dead?" I ask.

"I think things are gonna become a lot clearer soon, Reign," He says as he dissapears.

I look to see my mom has left and now I'm left here all alone. Dying. Bleeding out. I take a deep breath and give into the pain and drowsiness. Its time.


"Reign! Reign! Wake up!"

No leave me alone I want to sleep.

"Reign!" Says the voice again ug why won't it stop.

I need this I'm at peace. I need to be alone.


I'm jolted awake and start breathing heavily. I try to make sense of what's around me its all blurry. Then I look in front of me and see Eliot. I lean forward and wrap my arms around him. My eyes are watery but I don't care all I care about is that he's not dead. I didn't kill him.

"We gotta go," he says.

And before I say anything he picks me up.


"Nope," he says cutting me off and starting to run.

"What happened? I thought you were dead."

He stops at this and looks at me, "Of course I'm not. Why would I be dead?"

He knows that no response means I don't want to talk about it and says, "Its alright I'm here."

Then he resumes running.

"Where's Kaylee?" I ask.

"I will find her I promise first you need to get to a hospital. You're pretty banged up."

"I'm not leaving without her," I say.

"I'm not gonna let you stay here! That drug, whatever it is. Its not good and you need help."

"No! Please!" I yell trying to struggle. "I won't leave her!"


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! Thanks for reading! And OMIGOSH guys the first stalking hit 1K views! Thanks so much for all your support! Please rate and comment! Thank you sooo much! Love ya readers!

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