Someone New

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The drinking fountain overflows with the blood causing the three of us to slowly back up. The fountain melts away and the wall starts to peel off. When it does it reveals agent Stacey nailed to the wall with blood all over she's definitely dead. There's hardly any of her left. Pieces of skin hang off her; her hair wet with the thick gooey blood. Her eyes are wide open a single emotion showing plainly through. Fear.

My hands go over my mouth and I gasp. Tears flow and I turn my head not being able to look at the gruesome sight. I can't believe I'm not throwing up right now.

"How could this happen she was right with us!" Says a shocked tear-stained Kaylee.

"I don't know. We should go," says Eliot.

"We can't just leave her there!" I say.

"What can we do Reign?" He says. "Nothing. She's nailed to the wall."

"Ya, I guess you're right."

I look back to her and before I start to walk off I see it in her hand. Another bear.

"Could you grab that?" I ask Eliot unable to look at the body any longer.

"Ya," he says.

Once he's done we continue down our way. Eliot steps out in front of us and holds his gun and flashlight out just like the two agents well I guess one agent if that one is still alive.

"Just in case," he says.

"I don't think bullets can stop him," I say.

"I might as well try," he responds.

We keep walking down the eerie hallway until we reach another door.

"Are you ready," Eliot asks me and Kaylee.

We nod our heads and he slowly opens the door. Inside is a small classroom with a door on each end.

"I'm gonna go check that door," I say pulling out my gun. "You guys get the other."

They nod and we turn separate ways. I approach the door and open it slowly having my gun in front. I hear what sounds like crying and then I see someone.

She looks up her face tear-stained revealing crystal blue eyes and says, "Well go ahead, shoot me."

I look at my gun shocked at the statement and quickly tuck it back in my pants.

"I'm not gonna shoot you," I say. "What are you doing here? Who are you?"

"My name is Kathy," she says tucking some of her really blonde hair behind her ear. "And I just had a bad day. What are you doing here? You're the one with the gun!"

"Sorry about that. Let's just say I had a bad day too. Would you like me to walk with you to the front door?"

"That would be nice. What happened to the lights?"

"Strong winds," I lie knowing she would never believe the truth.

I help her get to her feet and she straightens out her navy blue and white jumper. Our school has a uniform, but it is very relaxed some students go all the way anyway. She's probably in a different class or something that's why I don't know her. We leave the room and meet back with Kaylee and Eliot.

"Who's this?" asks Kaylee.

"This is Kathy," I say and I give them a warning look that reads Don't tell her anything about Slenderman. "Kathy this is Kaylee and Eliot."

They exchange smiles and I say, "We're taking her to the front door."


We walk out the room and begin to walk towards the door. The only problem is everything is different. Its still a maze.

"Do you guys even know what you're doing?" Asks Kathy seeing our dumbfounded looks.

"Well look around! You go to school here, don't you? Its all different," I say.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't even notice, wow."

Something is wrong about her. Or maybe I'm just overreacting.

"Do you want to just guess and try to find the nearest exit? " asks Kaylee.


After a long time of walking, three breaks, and two stressful decisions of which way to go, we finally find a door.

I turn with the group behind me to open the door but find it locked.

"It won't budge," I say pushing harder.

Then I turn back to them and am shocked. Kaylee and Eliot are gone. Its just me and Kathy.


Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up! Sorry if there's any typos or grammatical errors its done on my phone. I hope you like it! If you could star it that would mean a lot to me! It only takes a second to click that button! And commenting your opinions would also be amazing. Thanks so much for reading! Love ya readers!

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