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~ that night, at Charli's house ~

//this is all in charli's dream btw\\ *Light stepped towards Charli. He followed her, slowing walking down the dimly lit alley way. Charli backed up, further and further and he stepped closer and closer. By now, Charli was up against the wall. Light leaned in towards her and hissed in a creepy voice, "You know I'll never love you. I don't fall in love with simping idiots." Charli tried to speak but her mouth wouldn't open. She crumbled to the ground on her knees. Light crouched by her. "Aww did I hurt your feelings? Well BAH. Who cares about a stupid simp like you. All you do is be a simp. Oh and a squirrel. You know, I recruited the whole squad to go after you. So don't be surprised if on your way home, you meet some unexpected arrivals." Light hissed in the creepy voice. He slipped away into the darkness. Charli felt sick with terror. She was just in her room all comfy and cozy. Now what happened? Where was she? Charli felt the hair on her neck rise. She heard footsteps behind her. Light? Her head was spinning. But she couldn't say anything. She shivered as a cool breeze blew over her. 'Wake up, please please please.' She thought, panicking. Suddenly, there was a loud bang.*
Charli jolted up out of bed. Sweat was dripping down her cheeks. She took a quick look around to make sure she was where she needed to be. Her curtains gently waved from side to side, clanking against her windowsill. She felt her heart racing. She leaned over to check her clock. 1:00 am. She tried to lay back down again. But the thoughts of the nightmare scared her too much. Charli reached over and grabbed her phone. Without thinking she texted Light.

Charli 🧡:
Hey, you up?

Within less than a minute he texted back. Charli was surprised. It wasn't like Light to be up this late.

Light 💜:
about 2 go 2 bed, whats up?

Charli felt nervous to ask Light anything. But she was especially nervous to ask him if he could come over to her house. *Simp.* Her brain screamed. She was about to text Light she was fine, when she felt a sudden impulse to ask him to come over to her house. Without thinking she texted Light.

Charli 🧡:
I kinda..well.. I'm really scared and I was wondering if you could maybe come over to my place for the night? Not in a weird way just that-

She trailed off. Her heart felt like it was gonna beat right through her chest. She waited in silence. *He isn't going to text back you idiot.* Her brain told her. She was just about turn off her phone when she received a text from Light.

Light 💜:
sure ill be there in 5.

Charli felt her heart leap to her throat. *He said yes? He said YES??!!* She felt her hands get sweaty. *When was he going to come? Where would he sleep? Would he think she was weird? Or needy?* Thoughts raced through Charli's head faster than a race car in a derby race. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. *Ahhh shoot, I haven't even dressed! I'm still in my onesie.. What will he think of me? And my hair oh gosh-* Charli thought frantically. *What are you doing idiot?! You're keeping Light waiting!* Her brain screamed. *Oh, right. Dumb me.* Charli raced down the stairs of her house. She looked at the walls as she ran down. Right at the very last step she tripped and it sent her flying onto the ground. She skidded right in front of the door. "Hello? Charli?" Light's voice came through the door. *Ahhhh I'm such an idiot!* Charli stood up to face the door. "Be right there!" She said as she stepped towards the door. She balled her sweaty hands into a fist. *He is just a friend. Sure he's handsome, and nice and- UGH YOU IDIOT!! He's a good friend. He's coming over for a sleepover. No big deal.* She gripped the door handle with her sweaty hand and turned the knob. The door swung open. Charli didn't realize she still had her hand on the knob until she went face first into the ground right at Light's feet. Her heart raced. She quickly stood up brushing the dust off the the pant legs of her onesie. "S-sorry Light! Sometimes I can be a bit of a clutz." Charli rubbed her arms nervously. Light looked pretty calm. "It's fine." He muttered. "So, am I going to come in or not?" He said, as Charli realized she was blocking the door. "O-oh yeah! Sorry Light. My brain is a little whacked-" She said scrunching up her hands nervously. She moved over to the side to make room for Light to walk in. *Just a sleepover. Don't be a simp like Zach says. But why is it so darn hard to just act normal?!*

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