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~ 1 month after the T or D incident ~
Charli grabbed her handbag from the side of her desk. Her phone began to buzz from her pocket. She pulled it out and answered the call. "Charli speaking, who's this?" Lights voice came from the speaker. "It's me Light. I was wondering if y-you maybe w-wanted to come over to my house tonight?" Charli was in a rush so without thinking she said quickly, "Yeah sure. I'll be there at 8." "Cool, t-thanks." She hear Light stammer from the other side of the phone. Charli hung up, and she put her phone back in her pocket. Lately she had been really busy, getting calls from her work and having to go to her office more often than usual. She pulled her leather coat up to her shoulders and quickly raced out the door, grabbing her car keys behind her. Another work meeting, great. She thought and she slipped into the front seat of her car. The squad had been filming double time lately, so Charli had been extra busy, even having to miss some videos occasionally. Light hasn't changed at all, frankly. He still seemed nervous around her, and every now and then would ask if they could hang out. It didn't bother Charli though. But recently she felt her feelings for Light had begun to dilate. He didn't seem to reflect those feelings so what was the point? It just hurt Charli even more. As she pulled up to the parking lot of her office, she received a text from Light.

Light 💜:
u still want 2 hang out 2nite?

She sighed. *I already said yes, why is he asking again? I'm going to be late for this meeting..* She thought and quickly texted him back.

Charli 🧡:
I said sure. I'll be there at 8. Can't talk rn, gonna be late for my meeting, ttyl

Charli slipped her phone into her handbag again, and grabbing her car keys, she slammed her car door and locked it behind her.
~ After Charli's work meeting/5 hours later ~
Charli slipped into the front seat of her car, exhausted from all the work she did today. She had so many things she needed to do piling up. *I'm rarely ever this busy.* She realized as she started up her car. She had recently gotten a promotion at her work though, which caused her to have almost double the work she used to have. Thankfully it was the weekend and she didn't have to worry about work anymore. Or filming, since the squad had filmed already on Tuesday. Charli drove back to her house, feeling satisfied with how the day had gone. When she pulled into her driveway her phone buzzed.

Light 💜:
its 7:30 fyi, no rush doe

She was a little annoyed. *Why is Light being like this?* But she didn't really care.

Charli 🧡:
Ik, I'm packing my bags, be there in 10

She slipped her phone back into her pocket and raced inside, dropping her keys and bags on her desk. Crap, she still had to change, pack her bags, and shower.
//I'm too lazy to write this part so yeye\\
After she had finally finished getting packed, showered and dressed, she stepped outside and looked up at the creamy orange sky, with the sun setting in the distance. Pink-ish clouds floated through the sky. She took a deep breath of the fresh air, and then speed-walked to Light's house. When she finally got there she saw Light sitting on a little wooden rocking chair on his porch. "Light!" She gasped practically dropping her bags on his porch. "Sorry I'm late." She panted. Light murmured something to himself then turned to Charli. "It's fine. I know you've been busy lately. I didn't mean to stress you." He said cooly. Charli look up at him confused. He sounds mad. Is he mad at me? Charli thought nervously. "Light are you okay?" Light's eyes got cloudy, then they got glazed over with shiny tears. He slumped down into his chair and made a small crying noise. "Light?!" Charli said frantically, but not to loud to alert any of the other squad members in their neighborhood. She kneeled down by the chair he was sitting in so that she was level with his height. "What's wrong?" She whispered. Light looked up at her, his cheeks stained with tears. He got up from the chair and then crumpled to his knees on the porch next to Charli. He practically fell into her arms. Charli felt herself blush a bit. But she was more worried about Light. What had she gotten herself into? Here she was kneeled on Light's porch at 8:17 pm in chilly weather, with a practically sobbing Light collapsed in her arms. After about 2 minutes of Light still being silent, he finally looked up at her and choked out a couple sentences.
"I-I miss the way it used to be. The way it was before you got this promotion, the way it was before you stopped being a simp, the way it was before you changed..." Charli felt Light fall back into her arms, this time he was genuinely sobbing. *Changed? I didn't change.. or.. did I?-* Charli thought nervously. But right now she needed to calm Light down somehow. She gently put her arm around her shoulder, and with her other hand ran her fingers through his hair very gently. He seemed to calm down a bit. She needed to get him to a point where she could talk to him. A small breeze blew across the porch and she shivered a bit, and seeing Light was cold too, she quickly grabbed her backpack and pulled out a spare blanket she had brought. She wrapped it around them, making sure Light had the majority of the blanket. This reminded her of about a month ago when the squad had played truth or dare and it had gone too far. After she remembered she had gone to Lights house to help him, but instead she had melted down. She felt Light rest his head on her shoulder. She could hear Light whisper something to her. "Thank you Charli." She smiled. "Of course Light." She whispered back.

//author's note\\ Mmm writing this chapter was a struggle cause my wireless keyboard decided to die so I had to type with my fingers ;-;
Anywhoooo I decided to add the little bit about Charli getting a promotion in her job cause she couldnt just sit around her house all day lol
Aight I'm sure ur sick of my talking by now, let's get to the good part >:3
-Codie -w-

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