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~ that night ~

Light awoke in his bed, Charli was right next to him, and he was still wearing his normal clothes? What had he missed? Then he remembered what had happened on the porch. Charli must have brought him inside somehow. Oh well, he was here now. He felt embarrassed for the breakdown he had had. It had been stupid. He suddenly felt Charli stir next to him. He looked over to see Charli was awake and on her phone, trying to be quiet. "I'm awake you know." He whispered to her. Charli turned around in surprise. "Oh Light, why are you awake at this hour?" She asked pointing to the clock which read '2:30 am'. Light shrugged. "I woke up. Sorry." He whispered turning his head. "No wait." Charli leaned over and grabbed Light's arm gently. He tuned back to her. She had this expression of guilt, and worry on her face. "What's wrong?" He asked her. Charli looked down. "I-I just thought maybe we could talk about what happened earlier.." She whispered. "Oh." Light muttered. "Well I don't mind. And better yet I should probably go first, right.?" Charli nodded slightly. Well it was time for the reveal I guess. Light thought.
//I am way too lazy to write out what all Light says so just take this-\\
Light then explained how ever since the T or D incident he had felt like Charli had changed, not being who she used to be. He went on about how he felt she had been more calm and cool and not bright and bubbly like she once was. He even explained how confused he was when she stopped "simping" for him. After he said that all Charli stared at him in disbelief. "That's what was bothering you?" She said. Was she about to laugh? "Oh Light." She sighed pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry I seemed as if I changed, I haven't changed at all frankly, I'm still the same old me." She pulled herself out of the hug. "And about the whole simping thing.. well.. first, why do you.. I guess.. why are you bothered by it? I thought you were annoyed by me doing that. Cause you don't... feel the same.." Light felt his heart beat out of his chest. *Was he going to say anything? Should he say the truth? He already knew Charli loved him, but did he love her?* "Yes." He said aloud. "What was that?" Charli said turning her head to the side in confusion. *Oh crap, I said that aloud-* Light thought nervously. "W-well.." He shifted an inch closer to Charli. Was he going to tell her? *There is no better time than now.* His brain urged. "Ch-Charli I-I.. I'm sorry for confusing you. But.. I do feel the same." Charli looked up at Light like she had just heard a cat speak English. "Excuse me?" She said. "Y-you are mad?" Light stammered. He didn't know what to do in this situation. Charli burst out laughing. *Oh gosh, she was mad!* She looked up with a look of pure joy on her face. "Oh course im not mad Light! Have you met me? I've loved you for the longest time and I've definitely made it obvious." Light felt a smile creep along his face. "So you do love me?" Charli said, as if what Light had said hadn't been clear enough. "Y-yes.." Light muttered. "Well then I hope you don't mind if I do this-" Charli said before leaning in to give Light a kiss. It was just a quick peck, but as soon as Charli pulled away Light could see she was visibly very happy. "I love you Light." She whispered smiling. Light smiled softly. "I love you too Charli."
Finally, Light had been able to work out his feelings. But that wasn't the end of it. They still had to tell the squad. But for now, it was just the two of them and that's all that mattered.

//author's note\\ Yes the Charlight you all have been waiting for has arrived
Holy crap I was so tired when writing this if there is spelling errors I apologize-
Anywho you have one chapter left, keep reading, there's more qwq
-tired Codie =.=

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