Truth or Dare

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Charli crossed her legs and sat crisscross-applesauce on the carpet in a circle with the whole squad. Light sat next to her and she could see he looked nervous. Truth or dare with the squad never ended well. Something crazy always happened. Like, the last time they had played truth or dare, Zach had been dared to post a selfie on Instagram of him holding a dead rat. Or another time they had played, Jade had been dared to kiss Jax. Charli was worried as well. Jax had seen everything! What if he was dared to tell everyone what he saw?! *Though honestly, I dont ever remember me and Light cuddling... The last time I saw him, he was on the opposite side of my bed. Maybe he had- No, thats nothing like Light to do! Though he did seem nervous..* Thoughts ran through her head while Jade and Zach argued about who was to go first. Finally, they decided on Alex, just because she was the creator of the squad. Charli sat up a little straighter as the game began.
"Jade, truth or dare?" Alex asked Jade.
Jade had a fierce expression on her face. "Dare. I'm not a chicken." She said smoothly.
"Hm okay." Alex said, seeming to think of a dare. After a couple seconds she said, "I dare you to eat a Cheeto with hot sauce all over it." She giggled.
Jade laughed. "Bah. Easy."
Charli watched as she took a Cheeto out of the bag, then took hot sauce and drizzled it over the Cheeto. Charli practically gagged as she watched Jade shove the Cheeto in her mouth. Jade looked over at Alex, just finishing swallowing the Cheeto. "Satisfied?" She crossed her arms. Alex just stared at her. "Yes. Very." Alex chuckled. "Your turn."
Jade look around at everyone as she sat back down. "Let's see.." Charli felt her heart beating fast. She was nervous. *What if Jade picked her?! What would she do?*
"Zach truth or dare."
Charli let out a sigh of relief.
Zach crossed his arms. "Truth. I dont have time for a dare." He huffed. Jade laughed. "Chicken."
Zach was probably avoiding the dare, knowing Jade did the worst dares. "Do you miss Drake being in the squad?" She asked. Zach didn't hesitate. "Well of COURSE! He's my brother you know! In case you forgot." He rolled his eyes and Jade crossed her arms. "Anyways.." Zach continued.
*Its gonna be me I know it.* Charli thought frantically.
Zach turned to Charli. "Charli truth or dare?" Charli gulped. "U-uh truth I guess?" She stammered. Oh god what was he going to say? She thought nervously.
"Do you still love Light, even though he doesn't love you back?" Zach laughed.
Charli practically choked, and the stupidest answer escaped her mouth. "Well of course I do you idiot!" She said turning her head, her cheeks turning red. She saw Light look down to the rug, and she could have sworn he just blushed. *What is WrOnG wItH ME?!!* She thought, covering her face with her arms. Things couldn't get any worse then they already were. Suddenly she heard Zach yelling at her. "Your turn you stupid simp!" Charli lifted her head from her hands. "I am not a simp!" She growled. "Whatever, just go." Zach muttered.
Charli scanned the room. Her eyes fell on Light. *I wont ask or do anything crazy, he knows that.* She thought. "Light truth or dare." He looked at her, seeming to read her expression. 'I wont do anything crazy' she mouthed. He seemed to understand.
Charli knew the perfect one. "What's your favorite flavor of gummy worms?" She asked Light.
Light looked like he was about to answer when Zach interrupted. "Is that the best you got?" He wheezed. "Light dont answer that one, answer this-
Do you love Charli?" Charli felt her whole face turn red. "That's not how the rules work!" She squealed. "He has to answer my truth!"
"Not in this game it doesn't! He has to answer Zach's truth!" Jade piped up. "This would be good clickbait." Alex giggled under her breath.
Light looked like a freaking tomato by now. "G-guys s-stop.." Light squeaked, just loud enough that Charli could hear. "We need to know!" Zach pressured. "Come on!!!" Jade yelped. "We are all waiting." Jax yawned. "We need those views.." Alex whispered. Light looked very uncomfortable. "G-guys.." He covered his face with a pillow. "Guys stop it!" Charli yelled at the squad angrily. *Why are they bullying him?! This is terrible I need to help him...* She thought nervously. "Come on you nervous rat, tell us!!" Jade yelled. "Purple man your looking sus, or at least, when you don't answer you do." Jax laughed.
Light suddenly stood up and grabbed his bag. Without saying anything, he pushed past everyone and ran out the door, slamming it behind him.
"Huh, looks like he had enough." Zach laughed. "Who wants to keep playing, we dont need Light." But Charli had had enough. "I need to go." She growled and grabbed her bag. "But it was just getting fun, why dont you stay?" Alex said softly. "Sorry, I have work to do." She said sternly and stormed out the door. *I'm going to check on Light.* She thought and headed towards his house.

//author's note\\ Light just went Z O O M at the end there didnt he? XD
Anyways ignore my chitter chatter, read on! :)
-Codie -w-

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