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Light looked around Charli's room. He had been here before, but the memory was faint. She had orange blankets covering her bed, which were swept to the side at the moment. Her curtains were closed, but still clanking against the windowsill as a slight breeze blew through her room. She had a couple plushies scattered around her room, and one, Light recognized, that he had given her two years ago on her birthday, was laying in her bed. "Oh pardon me, my room is messy!" Charli said frantically as she started to run around picking things up and yeeting them into her closet. "It's fine." Light said gently thumping his foot on the floor. *Seriously, why did I agree to this?* Light thought as Charli skidded back to him, sweat dripping from her forehead. "There we go! Now, where do you want to sleep? Did you bring a sleeping bag? I have a good spot you could set it up over there..." As Charli began to blab on and on, Light suddenly realized something. He didn't bring anything to sleep on! *Oh no no. Hopefully she'll have an air mattress or something...* "Uh.. Charli?" Light said. He was panicking. "Huh?" Charli turned around. "Oh yes Light?" She said with a sparkle in her eyes. *That sparkle. She's so cute when she does that.* Light shook his head to snap out of it. "I uh.. didn't bring anything to sleep on.. do you have an air mattress I could use or?- I was in a rush.. I'm sorry if I'm causing you trouble."
Light said beginning to freak out. Charli looked pale. "Erm.. I'm sure I have one.. somewhere-" Charli said quickly dashing out of the room. "Be right back-" She  left in a split second. Light was alone in her room. He set his bag down next to the door. *It's a nice room, not gonna lie. Ugh I should have brought a sleeping bag!* He looked over at the plushie on Charli's bed. He looked around to make sure she wasn't coming any time soon. No sign of her. He leaned over to examine the plushie. A purple fox. It's fur was frayed in all different directions. It had a couple stains on it, one was right over the muzzle, which looked like a chocolate milk stain. Light picked it up and checked the tag. *Yep. It is indeed the one I got her for her birthday two years ago.* Light thought and then the memory hit him.

//light's memory tiime\\ *"Happy Birthday Charli!" Everyone sang. "Blow out your candles!" Drake said. Charli took a deep breath in and then blew out the candles. "What did you wish for?" Jade said clasping her hands together. "You idiot, if you tell a wish it won't come true." Alex said to Jade, waving her hand dramatically in front of her. "Present time!" Zach said. "Who wants to give Charli their present first?" He scanned the room. His eyes landed on Light. "How bout you Light?" Light stepped forward and set his present on the table in front of Charli. "Happy birthday." He said. Charli opened the present. A purple fox plush. Charli's face lit up. "Light I LOVE it! Thank youuuu!" Charli yelped and threw her arms around Light. Light blushed a bit. "You're welcome Charli. Happy birthday."*

The sound of Charli's footsteps running up the stars echoed in Light head. He soon realized he was still leaned over Charli's bed looking at the plushie. He tried to lean over and set it down but instead tumbled over face first onto her bed. He hear Charli come up behind him. "Light? What are you?-" Light bolted upright. "Gosh, I'm sorry Charli, I just.. fell over." He wasn't lying entirely. "Oh it's fine!" Charli said. "Unfortunately I couldn't fine any place for you to sleep so.." Light felt his stomach knot up. "I-I could sleep on the couch downstairs if you wanted me to-" Light's nervous eyes darted to the clock. 1:45 am. "W-well.. I mean..." He felt his heart racing a million miles an hour. Charli looked at him with a hint of worry on her face. "I-I'll just leave." Light sighed grabbing his bag by the handle. "No wait! S-stay please." Charli said looking at the ground nervously. Light set down his bag. "I can sleep wherever you want me to." He sighed. Charli seemed to ponder this thought. She then looked up at him, seemingly worried. "W-well i—if you w-wouldn't m-mind i mean not in a weird way-" She rubbed her sleeve nervously. "T-there's p-plenty of room o-on my bed.." He felt his cheeks redden. *What is wrong with me?!* He thought shaking his head. "Sure." He said very calmly. "T-thanks Light." Charli gave him a soft smile and he blushed a bit. *She's just a friend, what is WROng WITH mE?!* He thought as he laid down on the other side of Charli's bed, his back turned to her. "Goodnight Light." He hear Charli whisper from the other side of the bed. "Goodnight as well Charli." He whispered and then closed his eyes to go to sleep.

//author's note\\ Did i make you die of cuteness yet? No? Oh well dont worry, you still have more to read >:3
-Codie -w-

Feelings (A Charlight story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin