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The barren land Mayyreb had never seen so much life.

Parched rolling hills were occupied by varying human armies and tribes clamouring with a range of heavy-handed weapons. Volleys of arrows flattened the landscape, and the occasional explosive splintered the rallying troops, provoking a series of garbled complains and curses.

A gigantic winged creature sailed over the battlefield, intently surveying the fighting forces below. It emerged from the clouds and dived towards them, raining sparks of bright flame. From a distance, the creature was magnificent; it possessed three pairs of wings, a slender neck and furious plumage. Its wingtips were armed with gold bracelets, which shone so blindingly a dancing image there was not a doubt as to who has descended.

The creature arched upwards a moment before touching the ground, causing a domino-like ripple in the crowds below. The group of specks toppled over in the midst of clashing with their opponents. They pressed themselves onto the ground and looked up, wide-eyed at the looming divine creature. None dared to raise a crossbow or cannon against it.

The bird of all fire, dread be Garuda, lifted up the weapon in its claws. It was an otherworldly golden specimen, looking like a cannon but much finer.

As the people below recovered, they gripped their blades and faced up. All held no qualms to let aside their grievances against the other.

Beyond the flat hills though, sounds of anger and clashing swords still rang out as if from a far-off dimension.

Together, the people below Garuda bellowed a war cry. Land-bound humans have no way to reach it, Garuda knew. It curled claws over its fine weapon, effortlessly eliminating a chunk of the fighting forces. Flapping its wings repeatedly allowed it to remain out of their destructive reaches and to further belittle their efforts, it let out a piercing shriek.

Many of the iron-clad warriors below and those few wielding magic clasped hands over their ears and surrounded themselves with thick energy barriers. But it was too late.

The earth grumbled beneath their feet; the spindly shrubs and trees trembled; while those of blood and flesh who have heard Garuda's song pitted against their own bodily wills. Any in the vicinity with a life force within them could not resist the firebird's effects. As the last notes of the shriek faded to the winds, all succumbed and burst into multi-coloured bonfires.

From behind the hills, soldiers bearing various flags poured forth. Garuda counted at least three different nations. It ascended into the air, having accomplished its first task.

Cries echoed from below. It watched the specks struggle to put out the fires, much to no avail. The fires spread quickly, razing a beautiful path through the dry, wilted wasteland. Soon its desired adversary will arrive. He was the only one with the power to quench these fires.

The only one who Garuda felt worthy enough to engage directly.

Sure enough, the firebird spotted a twisting form between the higher clouds. Before the clouds had been white and sparse, befitting Mayyreb's dry climate. Now, they were moody, cumulating into the type of clouds preceding a storm. Garuda's adversary was pale coloured and elusive, darting through the formations but surely aiming to reach its position.

The clouds around the firebird were vaporous, allowing it a clear view of all sides. When it sensed his incoming, it flapped all six of its wings and swooped to meet him.

Its adversary emerged from the clouds' underbellies; a pearly-scaled snake with arching horns and lion's mane, qualities of a fearsome beast. His long body coiled repeatedly, making it hard to discern the position of his many legs. The creature let out a guttural roar and struck for Garuda, whom was more than delighted to meet.

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