Picnic P2

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Before I start: hi guys so sorry about not uploading the second part of the picnic series I just didn't know what to write but I have an idea which finally came to my pea sized brain but anyway I hope that you enjoy!

Previously: Archie has been planning to propose to Veronica after 3 years of dating by taking her on a romantic picnic and Veronica is saying that Archie is being very suspicious but she doesn't think nothing of it.


Archie has been acting very strange recently and I don't know wether to speak up or just leave him be. We are having a picnic on our 3 year anniversary which is crazy but I love him with all of my heart ❤️.  It is around 2pm and we are just eating and having fun. Archie has been preparing this for sometime I believe because he chose all of my favourite food which he has to focus on so thank you Archie x


I am nervous as fuck I don't know if she will accept my proposal or not but let's hope that she does but we are just having fun talking about things that we want to do in the future and just having food. I'm going to do the proposal now because I have everything ready but I am so nervous but let's see how it goes.

Authors note

I'm sorry that this chapter is very short I just have a really good idea about the proposal 💍 and it is going to be special but I hope that you like it. Please vote but if you don't then that's ok. And if you have any suggestions don't be afraid to ask. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Have a good day or night
302 words
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