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-Bad PoV-

I was the first one up. Like usual.. I (of course) woke both, Karl and George up, they were both cranky but thats better than being late to the airport..

We all had our stuff next to the front door. So we quickly ate a small breakfast and scrambled out to the car to get to the airport in time.

-In the car-

"It's too squished in here.." George sat up trying to move the bags around.

"Maybe you wouldnt have that problem if you pack 1 bag like Bad and I" Karl seemed a little annoyed.. He probably woke up in the wrong side of bed this morning..

-Time skip-In the plane ( Im too lazy to make up anything in between then and now :') )-

We were all seated. Just as we got comfy George's phone went off. We heard a few other people's go off too. He quickly picked it up and it read, 'Disease founded! Zombie-like disease!' Of course he and I laughed at it thinking it was fake news, Karl on the otherhand kinda believed it.

It was about 3-4 hours long of a ride to NYC, most the time we talked and made jokes and slept..

-Time skip at NYC- (Like before too lazy! :'D )

"Finally!" George seemed happy we just exited the airport drop off. "That took a long time.." He seemed extremely tired as well, he slept the least..

Karl seemed kinda cautious. "I dunno.. What about that disease? This is a hot spot for it!" George and I were worried for our friend, he seemed although very serious about this..

"Im sure its fake news." I brushed it off.. Karl seemed to calm down a bit more.

During that talk we hadn't realized we already made it in the building. We checked in, got the keys to our rooms and met in Dream and SapNap's room.

We opened the door, (of course they forgot to lock it) and we saw Dream and sapNap just laying on the ground staring at the ceiling.

"What are you guys doing..?" George seemed more concerned than confused.

As soon as Dream heard George's voice he shot right up. "George!" Hee seemed happy- as if he didnt hear George's question but only voice..

-3rd Person- No one's PoV-

George ran to his bestfriend and they both hugged laughing at eachother and their own actions.

Karl walked over to SapNap, (who was still laying and facing the ceiling) and looked confused and bent down so he was on his knees.

"What sort of cult is this?" He laughed a bit at his own words and looked down at SapNap who was laughing too.

"I dunno, Dream and I just randomly sat down on the floor, than laid down, no reason whatsoever. " Karl and SapNap laughed as Karl layed down next to SapNap.

Bad looked the the the four and laughed, "Muffins, now I feel like a fifth wheel!".

Karl and George were the ones to shoot up blushing. Karl looked up at Bad, "Idiot- none of us are dating-"

George laughed and looked over to Karl, "I mean, you are canonically married to SapNap, and Quackity too." He teased as Karl blushed harder.

Bad, Dream and SapNap laughed watching the two argue. Karl laughed and looked at Bad, "Skeppy's gonna be here- like- the day after tomorrow"

Bad blushed and looked away, "Yeah? So is Quackity!" He smiled at his own words as Karl blushed again.

SapNap laughed again, "I know maybe we can gwt married in real life then." He said it jokingly of course- but deep down, he kinda wish it would come true someday..

Karl looked down and the man laying on the ground, as he was blushing red. "W-What the honk?!" He felt hot in his cheeks.. He brushed it off eventually and took it as a joke.

They both felt and wished it meant something other than a joke. (Obviously they dont wanna marry yet they only want to be bfs with eachother- and Quackity- of. Course.)

The rest of the night SapNap was always next to Karl and talking with him, as with George and Dream, who were also allowing the 'fifth wheel'to join in their conversation.

SapNap got a notification and quickly paused to grab his phone and check it out, it was another one of those, 'Virus outbreak' ones, he swiftly deleted it, and went back to his conversation with Karl, seemed a little worried... (he saw a quick glance at the notification too)

761 words

[DISCONTINUED] Karlnapity II Apocalypse (Dnf, Skephalo, Karlnapity)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz