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<11:35 am>
George PoV
I woke up to the sudden stumble of Dream, I shot up and calmrd down when I realized it was just him.

Dream noticed quickly, "Oh, sorry of I woke you up.." He gave an apologetic  smile

I gazed at his smile, it was... welcoming..  As if I felt safe and sane..

"Uh- George..?" He was stood up now, I flinched returning to reality.

I stood up, trying to wake my legs up, "Sorry, lost in my thoughts..?" I tried to make an excuse, it seemed to work-

"Nah, I saw that gaze, he loves your smile." SapNap popped in, his statement caused both Dream and I to blush..

Skeppy PoV

I was layong in Bads bed, against the headboard with him, he was scrolling through.. Twitter? Pinterest? Anyways- I got suspicious at this point because he keeps turning his phone away everytime I look over to see

"Baaaaad," I extended the a in his name, "Why can't I seeeeee? Please show me!" I begged

"No!" He slightly blushed looking back to his phone, "Go on your phone.."

"Mhm..".. I jumped over reaching for Bad's phone, just missed he pulled it away, "Skeppy!"

I continued to reach for it, this lasted for about 5 minutes until I finally had it in my grip

I unlocked his phone, he WAS on Twitter! But- SkepHalo.. Is in the.. search engine.. I started to blush at that moment looking up at Bad, he too was blushing..

"Aww, Bad!" I played it off as if I didnt feel something, sadly that didn't work, Bad saw blush dusted across my face,
"Skeppy you're blushing!..?" He seemed confused but I dont know what he was feeling just then..

Bad laughed, and I looked back at the ones he liked, there were a bunch of ones, a lot jad either kissing, or really close, like hugging

I looked up at Bad, who was now on my phone, I didn't realize until now, he was blushing too

"Bad-" I saw he had Twitter up too on my phone, "Wow- Skeppy, you're one to talk, you have SkepHalo written all over this phone.."

I blushed, "No-!" He took off my phone case to reveal the SkepHalo stickers underneath.

"Really" He and I were still blushing, he hadn't even noticed I was still laying on his legs, I didnt bother to move. Not even when I noticed.

Well that moment was ruined when Karl came busting in, "Guys!"

I shot up and Bad looked over at Karl, he sounded really anxious.

"The zombies thing- it- it's real!" He pointed out our window, he was sure there would be some there too, and to our surprise, there was.

Bad and I instantly saw panic in both our eyes, "Shit, shit, shit  shit.." I whispered.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad's famous catchphrase was still important to him, even in a zombie apocalypse..

"Shouldnt there be like a- a- bunker?!" Bad immediately stated after, Karl shook his head and I jumped in, "You dont see people in bunkers in zombie movies.." Bad and Karl turned their attention on me, and nodded.

Hey guys!
Sorry I havent posted much, I havent had good mental heath, and I didnt have the motivation I needed to make a new "chapter".. I hope you guys arent mad at me! TvT

[DISCONTINUED] Karlnapity II Apocalypse (Dnf, Skephalo, Karlnapity)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt