Chapter 5- USJ and The Fight part 2

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(Y/N)'s POV.

I pushed open the large doors to the USJ with a large gust of wind trailing behind me, ready to fire. My outfit changed to its red form as flowers bloomed a silvervine crown around my head. 

(A/N- this is just a reminder of what the costume(s) look like and what power they each possess. 

Red or Left- Elements such as fire, water, wind, and earth.

Black or Middle- Dark energy and matter,  toxic/poison type quirks, and blood quirks.

White or Right- Weapons quirks, Time quirks, Crystal quirks, and healing type quirks.

Each outfit possesses a special weapon or object, for the red one possesses a rose crown that holds energy and heals the wearer, It changes color depending on the element or mix of elements. The black one comes with a black ring with blood-red gems on it that can take the blood out of the wearer it can use it to form any weapon or to heal a comrade. Lastly for the white one, it has a large Sypth that attaches to a holder on the wearers back, this sypth can be used on any of the costumes, as well as be flung out like a wrecking ball, it can use basically any power one can think about, using new quirks is also up its ally allowing it to make new quirks for its user.

 Lastly for the white one, it has a large Sypth that attaches to a holder on the wearers back, this sypth can be used on any of the costumes, as well as be flung out like a wrecking ball, it can use basically any power one can think about, using n...

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Anyways back to the story

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Anyways back to the story

Aizawa was already fighting the villains, he was struggling to take on the-oh say- three hundred of them. "Ah look who finally decided to show up, Princess (Y/N). Why did you run away? Weren't we treating you like royalty!" my oh so dear friend Shigaraki called from where he stood perched next to a large Nomu. "If 'Royalty' are treated with abuse and practically death multiple times in the course of only a few months. Then yes I was treated like the freaking queen of England." I sneered sending fire towards the villain who I once thought of as a brother.

He dodged, maniacally laughing at my attempted attack. I gave a small smirk in return and flicked my middle finger towards me. The diminishing fireball that missed him a minute ago came flying at his turned back, raging stronger than ever. It slammed against his back and burned through his shirt. He screamed out in rage and came barreling at me, hand outstretched and stumbling over his own two feet. I easily dodged his crusty hand and grabbed his arm, flipping him over my shoulder. Unluckily for me though he managed to grasp my shoulder to slow down his momentum, also in the process disintegrating my shoulder slowly but painfully.

I let out a muffled groan as I reached for my shoulder trying to heal it. I felt my knees get whobbly as the pain finally registered in my body. My face contourted in pain as my shoulder finally stopped disinigrating away. Blood poured out of my shoulder as the pain took over my instincts. 

I screeched and made a ball of dark matter between my hands while my costume slowly changed from red to black. The crown disappeared and was quickly replaced with a black obsidion ring looping around my finger. The blood red gems glistening in the light flowing through the various windows surrounding the USJ. I turned around with my dark matter and threw it at lightning speed towards his smug form.

He started talking and slowly walking towards me but I couldn't hear over my firey rage. The orb hit him square in the jaw while he was hosting his monologue that I really didn't care about. "Nng- Nomu!" He called out, scratching his neck feverishly while his skin burnt and his blood poured out of his jaw. His 'Father' lost a finger due to the after wave. I looked around waiting for the Nomu to run at me. 

One moment I saw the big beast and the next he was gone. I looked around trying to find him only to feel myself get picked up and restrained by two large hands. I gasped at the movement and struggled to get free. "Ah- Aizawa! I need some assistance here!" I called out the confidence in my voice wavering a bit. When I heard nothing in reply I turned to where he was fighting and found him unconscious on the ground with his head cracked open. 

My eyes widened in recognition. These are similar wounds I've faced before, I knew if someone didn't treat him soon he would die a painful death. I struggled against the beast's tight grip again, but my attempts were fruitless as I received a heavy punch to the face by guess who? Shigaraki! 

He laughed when a sickening crack echoed out of my now broken jaw. I clenched my teeth to muffle the pained screech that escaped my closed lipped grimace. I allowed my ring to take over as I slowly snaked a long stream of my blood over to Aizawa to heal him. "Now (Y/N), are you going to come home or am I just gonna have to kill your sensei and everyone else you know. I mean your parents miss you very much!" He cried out a sickening smile etching itself over his face. 

I spit at him a grimace still placed over my face. "Y'know you making the wrong decision (Y/N). Your parents love you, I love you, imagine all you could have!" He called again caressing my broken cheek. I grimaced at the pain and the 'offer'. "N-Never, I r-refuse to li-live that way. In co-constant fear o-of my deat-eath by all of y-you." I replied the pain making the corners of my vision fade and my cheek making it hard to talk. I groaned as he slapped me again, making the brake on my cheek sting more than it already did. I suddenly felt a pin-prick like poke on the side of my neck. My vision started fading more and more until all I could see was a little light. I did the only thing I could think of, I screamed. I scramed as if I was being brutally murdered, which, in reality is what was about to happen to me. 

The last thing I heard and felt before I ultimately went blank was a annoyed groan for Shigaraki, and a sharp searing pain in my stomach, not to mention blood running down my lower body. I went black as my head fell down, my mental and physical pain present even my sleep...

(1163 words)

Hey guys, sorry this took so long to post! Also sorry it's a bit short! I was a bit busy because of life haha. Anyways I hope you enjoyed as always. Sayonara~ 

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