Chapter 12- Lazy Days and Cuddles

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Deku's POV.

I'm worried about (Y/N). She's been distancing herself from all of us. Just like she did whenever she first woke up in the hospital after her first escape from her parents. She won't even talk to me and that's a BIG change for her and me. 

"(Y/N), are you awake?" I asked through the crack in the door. That's another odd thing, usually, she would always keep her door closed completely for whatever reason but now she keeps it cracked open as if waiting for the worst to come and an escape route to be needed.

The door in front of me cracked open to reveal a very disheveled (Y/N). Her hair was all tangled and frizzy, and her eyes were dead cold. She had dark eye bags under her eyes as if she hasn't been sleeping and she kept glancing in every direction possible in an almost fearful manner. 

"Oh, hey Zuzu. What is it you need this fine morning!" She replied in a falsely sweet tone, her smile wavering and shaking as her eyes told a different story. (A/N: Does that make sense or no?) I'm gonna need to call in the big guns for this one. 

I fish my phone out of my pocket and call the person she seems to trust most as of recently...

Todoroki's POV.

I answer the phone immediately once I saw who was calling... Midoriya.

"Hey, uh Todoroki, I may need your help. Like ASAP." Midoriyas voice game through a bit shaky and a lot whispery. I wonder what the issue is I mean if it has something to do with (Y/N) then I'm not sure why he would call me last I checked, she was afraid of my name- er surname.

"What's up Midoriya, Is something wrong?" I asked as stotic as ever as I closed the door to head on a walk through the Cherry-Blossom Feilds. it was a Saturday after all and the flaming trash-bag was out at some hero meeting that I was to lowley to know about.

"It's (Y/N), she won't eat, she won't sleep and she's constantly on edge and gaurded. Even I can't get through to her!" He whisper-yelled, worry evident in his tone of voice anf the slight barely noticable stutters he had.

"And why do you think I would be able to help? Isn't she scared of me or something." I asked as I stopped walking to buy a Bannana Milk from the local supermarket. I quickly buy a few Bannana milks, one Vanilla milk, and one Strawberry milk just incase. Finally as I continue my walk to thr feilds Midoriya continues on.

"Well, you name Triggered something to make her have an internal breakdown, I was thinking if you just said your first name she wouldn't flip. Plus, she seems to trust you more than me or Bakugo as of the moment for some reason or the other. So will you? Even my mom can't get through to her, and (Y/N) typically tells my mom all of her issues!" He ranted out over the phone. Practiclly begging.

"Alright, fine, I'm not to far away so I should be there within 20 minutes." I said as I hung up the phone. I let a deep sigh exit my body as I made my way over to Midoriyas house, which was convinently only a few streets away.

(Y/N)'s POV.

"(Y/N), come here please!" Izuku called out from the living room down the hall. I sighed and sat up in my messy bed, the blinds closed completely and a slight crack in the door. I just felt safer with a crack because if the Villains tried to kidnap me again-Since I seem to be the main target as of the momet- I could easy bolt out of the door without the hasstle of opening it and run into Izu's room to wake him and Inko up and run for it. Whenever I started living her Inko gave me her room and started rooming with Zuzu, all so I could feel safe and sound.  It was more than I deserved really.

"Coming!" I said cheerfully, I'm still trying to get down the whole 'Hide your Emotions!' thing. As I walked into the living room I spotted Izuku next to Todoroki. The name itself makes my whole being shiver of fear. (A/N: FoReShAdOwInG sUcKeR) After all that's were half the new burn scar's came from.

Todoroki x Reader x Bakugo ~ Broken Love~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant