Chapter 8- Saved just in time.

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(Y/N)'s POV.

Considering I couldn't talk due to the gag that I just couldn't get rid of, and the blindfold that made it basically impossible to see, I was starting to lose all hope. At this point I'm basically dead, even a child could tell I'm not going to survive another day. Due to my quirk I, sadly, have to suffer longer. 

Even though I know it's hopeless, I really hope someone saves me. Maybe then I will at least die with my pride still intact. I leaned against what I can only assume is a pipe. My breathing slowed down as the long process of me bleeding out started. 

I guess it's just like my dear parents always said growing up. "If you try to escape we'll get you before you get the chance to live happily." I gave a dry chuckle at my own humorless memory.

Shoto's POV.

"Okay so do you guys remember the game plan?" Jiro reminded us as we stood outside the supposedly abandoned bar. We all nodded, While Jiro made a distraction outside, Midoriya, Bakugo, and I will go in and find (Y/N). 

"Alright you freaking nerds, let get her back so you can all stop complaining!" Bakugo snarled, emitting small explosions out of his hands. Jiro runs to the side door and plugs her ear jacks into the ground to cause a distraction. I snuck my way around to the front door with Midoriya and Bakugo hot on my heels. 

I wave my middle and pointer fingers in the air as a sign that we're good to go in. I started picking the lock on the door, but Bakugo just blew it up causing tons of noise in our area. I quickly dash into the long cemented halls listening to doors as we passed. I promised myself I would save her, and I will live up to that promise.

(Y/N)'s POV.

I heard vaguely heard a loud boom at the end of the long, soundproof, corridor. I groaned, thinking it's Dabi trying to make me talk again. My heart was already slowing down little by little, as my blood spilled all over the ground like spilled paint.

 "(Y/N)! Where are you!" I heard a familiar voice whisper-shout from right outside the door. "I-In h-here." I groaned out as blood spilled down my chin. A close sign of internal bleeding or death. All of a sudden the door flew open and a light shone in the room. Not that it bothered me much.

Bakugo's POV.

I pushed that stupid Icy-Hot out of the way and burst open the door. What I saw was horrible...

(Y/N)'s skin was shallower than Yayorozu's personality, and her form was curled in on itself as if she were trying to save herself. "Hey, It's okay we're here to save you (Y/N). It's me ZuZu, Kacchan and Todoroki are with me too, Jiro's just outside. Were here for you" Deku cooed. (Y/N) gave a little yelp and nodded. 

"Can you move?" I asked her as calmly as I could. She unwrapped herself from her little ball allowing us to see all the damage. I could hear even that stupid Icy-Hot give an audible gasp at her state. 

Her form was worn and skinny as if she hasn't been fed in the week she was missing. Her hands and legs were bound in chains and the skin around the chains was torn and infected. Her skin was dominated with burns, stab wounds, and soon-to-be scars from what seems to be countless other things. 

What shocked me the most was the huge stab wound in her stomach and the large gash spreading across her cheek. She wobbled on her knees and passed out on the spot. Her delicate head smashing with a sickening crack on the ground. I rushed over to her and picked up her small, shriveled-up body.

Up close her injury looked way more severe, and I could point out over ten more of them now that we're in the light. I grimaced away and hurried with the others to the nearest hospital. Jiro hot on our tails. 

Once we reached the hospital we all screamed for help and finally got her taken into safety. The aching worry evident in all our hearts. I had one question itching on my mind: How did she not give in to them after all the pain she had to endure? 

It was then I realized, It's because she's a true hero, and she's a fighter. I vow to become as good a hero as she is, and never break a sweat if I ever get caught because I know my friends will save me. I know she, will save me.

(A/N: That was a Terrible ending to this part, I am so sorry. I hope you still enjoyed it and the storyline is good. Have an amazing day Chao~)

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