Chapter 14- Wake up time (Short)

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Author~Chan here, I just wanna clarify so there's no confusion later on. So she missed the Cavalry battle and stuff because of her hospital issue, and Todoroki and Izuku stayed out of it (With as much protest and fighting with Endeavor as you would get with a very angry and ugly bear...) ANYWAYS,  Bakugo still got first place and Tokoyami still got third, but Shinos got second because he needs more attention.

(Y/N)'s POV.

"Wake up (Y/N)!" I called out to (Y/N)'s sleeping figure, trying to pry her blanket from over her head. "Noooouuu..." She called out from under her heavy duvet cover, somehow managing to pull it even further over her head. I tried to pry it off of the bed again but only managed to pull it a centimeter back. I rolled my eyes before trying to steal her pillow instead. 

"Meeah..." She called again, swatting at my hand with her wind-type quirk. Successfully knocking my hand away from her pillow. I was about to try again, but a knock at the door interrupted my train of thought.  

I ran out to the living room assuming it was Todoroki at the door since we agreed we would walk with (Y/N) to school. As I guessed, I opened the door to Todoroki standing against the door frame checking his phone.

"Todoroki, hey! Sorry, she's not awake yet..." I trailed off,  rubbing the back of my head. He just nodded and pocketed his phone for later.

"Do you mind if I give it a shot? I'm pretty good at this kinda stuff." He asked randomly, looking off into space. I gave a swift nod at his request. I was happy to get the hard task off my back, but a bit confused as to why he would care. Before it dawned on me...again. He liked her, like, like liked her. I gave Todoroki's back a soft smile as he walked away and to (Y/N)'s room.

Shoto's POV.

I walked into the darkroom to wake (Y/N) up for school, only to find her curled up in a little ball underneath the covers, the (F/C) Duvet cover shaking ever so slightly because of what I can only assume was another bad dream. 

"(N/N), you need to wake up, we have school today," I said quietly leaning down towards the shaking ball hidden underneath the blanket. "Nahhh.." 

Let's just say, It took forever to get her up and moving... and the promise of food...

Author~Chan here! Sorry, it was a little short... When I said some stuff was going on in life I meant it, I recently started a bunch of different things all at once since COVID finally let up, and its been pretty challenging and stressful to find the time to deal with all of them and balance summer work, then the added stress from thinking of a good plotline for this. But now hopefully I'm back for good along as nothing else comes up. Hope I didn't keep Yall's waiting too long. Thanks for hopefully understanding. 


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