Chapter 16- Hero Names

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Hey guys! So I'm back and better than ever. Thanks for being so patient with me!

Aizawa's POV.

"Look Toshinori, It's not that I don't feel bad for the girl. She did save my life after all and took all the wrath for it! But I'm not going to have favorites because of what she did for me. If she ever wants to get over her past and new trama, she's going to have to work it off and face her fears." I stated while I sipped my 10th cup of coffee. 

"A-Aizawa! (Y/N)'s been through an emotional and physically Traumatizing thing. Even Recovery girl thinks she needs more time to get over the stress being applied on her!" Toshinori, or All Might, cried out. Recovery girl gave a curt nod from where she sat sipping a cup of tea on the other side of the room.

"Look, She's my student and I'll deal and help her as I please. It'll help her in the long run, trust me," I stated before getting up to head to my class.

Todoroki's POV.

I watched as (Y/N) fidgeted under the glares and gazes of our other classmates. I had my foot pressed up against hers for reassurance, while Bakugo was 'Discreetly' glaring at everyone who gazed in her direction.

(Just Imagine it a two-person desk, It's for plot purposes. Also, this may not be the exact words in the show but whatever.)

"Alright, Settle down class. Settle down." Aizawa called over the whispers and gossip flowing around the room. Once he realized nobody listened he activated his quirk and yelled at everyone to shut up. 

They did...

"Alright, today we're going to be picking out our temporary hero names. But be careful, people may start to call you by that and you'll-" Aizawa started before he was cut off by Midnight bursting into the room holding her whip in the air as a pose.

"Or you'll Have Heck to pay for it!" She yelled out before stepping into the room completely and coming to a stop behind the desk/Stand at the front of the room. Aizawa sighed before zipping up the usual sleeping bag that he seems to be ABLE TO PULL OUT OF NOWHERE! 

"Anyways Midnight will judge and advise your name picking yadda yadda, I'm going to sleep," Aizawa said before- quite literally- Collapsing on the floor, successfully falling asleep. I saw (Y/N) slip by a small smirk before completely wiping her face of emotion. I'll have to ask her what's wrong later.

(Y/N)'s POV.

"Alright, I'll hand out whiteboards and markers so you can write your names down, and then we'll present them!" Midnight announced with a raddle of her handcuffs and a clap of her hands.

I stared aimlessly at the whiteboard in front of me while I contemplated a name. I used to have a good one, but given my old circumstances, I didn't really have the mindset for making a good hero name growing up. I decided to take a peek over at Shoto's board to try and find out what he was picking, along with some inspiration, only to find it filled with only his first name. I turned back to my board and mulled over any idea that popped into my mind.

-During this time unaware to her, she's been leaning closer and closer to Shoto without realizing it.-

Just as our shoulders brushed each other, did I finally get a good idea. I quickly scribbled down my name and sat up tall, ready to get it over with. Finally, after a few minutes of sitting Midnight called over the deafening silence that it was time to share.

"Who would like to go first?" She asked all of us while scanning the decent-sized room with her masked eyes. I quickly raised my hand before anyone else could get the chance. "Okay, (Y/N), you can go first!" She called with enthusiasm while hopping on one foot to another in excitement.

I walked up to the podium and cleared my throat hoping to get the nerves under control. "My hero name is going to be-" I paused so I could take a deep breath and hide the resurfacing nerves again. 

Silver Shadow..." I finished a deadset look overtaking my (E/C) eyes.

(You guys can change it if you want. I'm not the best at names!)

Author~Chan here,

I have literally nothing to say that I haven't said at the top sooooo-


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