Chapter 4

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When I got home, I unlocked my door. I didn't really live with anyone but Payton. But due to what happened, I don't want to live with her anymore. I went into the kitchen and something caught my eye on the table. It was a letter and a key.

I opened the letter and read it.

Dear Addison

I'm sorry for what I did. I really didn't know what was going on, but just so you know he came onto me. If I could, I would've gone back in time and didn't do it.

I regret what I did. We both did. I took out all my things from my room and I'm giving you back the spare key you gave me for this house. I can tell you really didn't want to talk to me so I'm moving out to an apartment. I hope you can still forgive me.


I scoffed. If both of them regret what they did, they shouldn't have done it and plus it seemed like they were pretty enjoying themselves. I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. I'm never forgiving them.

I walked to the fridge and got out a water bottle. I opened it and drank the whole thing. I still had a headache due to last night. I looked at the time on the stove. It read 7:55 A.M. I groaned.

I was about to get ready for work, but it was too early. I went upstairs and check Payton's room. Well used to be Payton's room.

It was clean and empty. She cleaned out faster than I thought. Good. Then I don't have to deal with her anymore.

When I was done checking out her room, I went in mines. I headed over to the bed and dropped myself on the soft cushions. I sighed.

"Just 20 minutes, then work." I whispered to myself. With that, I drifted off to wonderland.


A/N: this was a really short chapter I wrote and I apologize. I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway. If you did, vote and comment what you all think.

See you soon.

Much love,
Angelica 💖

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