Chapter 7

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"So who's that hot stuff you were just showing around?" My friend Talia asked while taking a bite of her pizza.

"Ethan. Boss hired him." I told her and stabbed my salad angry just by thinking of the way he treated me. Mhm. Not a gentleman at all. I looked up at her and she raised an eyebrow. I bit my lip. I wanted to tell her what happened between me and Daniel. She looked at my worriedly.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed maybe I should tell her.

"Daniel cheated on me. On our 3 year anniversary." I told her trying not to cry. I cast my eyes down the table, suddenly losing my appetite.

"That douche bag! With who?!" She yelled capturing some of our co-workers around.

"Payton." I whispered, but she heard.

"Your best friend?!" She yelled again. This time boss had come out and shhh'ed her.

"One more time I hear a yell, you're both fired." He glared at us. Talia rolled her eyes and quickly apologized then he left.

"You know Addi. I think they been both doing it behind your back since then. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't have the guts to. I knew something was going on between them by the looks they have been giving each other. Honestly Addi, you don't need them both. You deserve hella better. Like that guy Ethan." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. I blushed. That lecture actually made me feel better.

"Thanks Talia." She shrugged.

"What are best friends for?" She smiled and looked behind me and smirked. "Don't look now but hottie is coming this way. I'll come back I gotta go get water." She said and winked at me. I glared behind her back. Ethan put his tray down and sat next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"What? Can't I eat with my co-worker and have peace." He told me while grabbing his hamburger and taking a big bite.

"Is this about the coffee thing? Because I told you I was sorry." I told him.

"Sorry doesn't cut it because it took me a long time to buy that suit." He glared at me and smiled.

"Bipolar." I whispered.

"What did you say?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.


"No you said something, something like oh Ethan, don't worry I'll buy you another pair of suit." He smirked.

"No way in hell I will be doing that." I spat.

"Oh you will because if you don't I will tell boss that you haven't been doing work honey." He patted my nose and looked into my eyes. I widened my eyes.

"You went in my office?!" I whispered yelled. He chuckled.

"Wow, I got a good guess." He chuckled again. "I was right huh?" He grinned. Oh good one Ethan.

"Still going to buy me or what?" He asked again while taking another bite of his food.

"Sure whatever. Just meet me at the mall at 9AM" emphasizing the time "tomorrow since it's my day day off." I told him and out my head down on the table. "Now go away." I grumbled.

"Addison, I feel the love." He sarcastically said. "Yeah I'll meet you at the mall, but you better be there or else. It's my day off too so maybe you can buy me food." He told me while standing off. I waved him off.

"Pig." I mumbled.

"I heard that." He whispered in my ear. I jumped up spilling the water on the table and held a hand to my chest.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed. He laughed and left. Talia came back and say down wiping the water on the table with a napkin.

"What's that about?" She nodded towards Ethan and smirked.

"We're going shopping Talia, tomorrow." I told her and she giggled.

"Someone's going to get laid." She grinned and I slapped her shoulders.



A/N: LONG TIME NO UPADTE!?!? ): sorry. Lol. I hope you guys like this chapter and all.

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think.

See you soon! (:

Much loves,

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