Inside Dzhanaye Plaza's New House

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Putrachevskaya, Volgograd Oblast
Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Deyvid and his friends opened a gate near the forest. At the shortcut, there lived a forest glade near the Don River, as the blizzard began to blow, they settled in the front stoop. There was a house made out of wood, at the top there was an onion dome like the one in the Orthodox Church. The glass looked like the stained-glass windows in the Orthodox chapels of Old Moscow, and it was covered in vines, it was an unholy asylum house.

Deyvid: How much time will we go inside?

Dzhanaye: Not yet, maybe 12:00pm.

Deyvid: Maybe, we can just ring the doorbell, it says "Plaza Residence; Since 1903". 

[doorbell rings]

 [Suddenly, the door opens, and they saw the hall with stairs and an indoor balcony, it was reconstructed since 1912. And the pipe organ is right there when her maternal grandmother bought that gift for Christmas. At the left wing, there is the chicken room. At the right wing, there is the fireplace room where everyone can relax only on vacations or at the holidays.

Deyvid: I've never seen in this place before.

Jose Miguel: And what do you think you're doing? You must be my daughter's soulmate, Deyvid. Welcome, welcome. So, why don't you follow me?! What's your name?

Deyvid: Deyvid, Deyvid Sakharov Dementiev.

Jose Miguel: I am Jose Miguel Plaza, former employee of Rizal Industries. Deyvid Diamitrovsky, so we got to show you. Go upstairs and see the dining hall.

And so, at 12:20PM, he ate all the pirozhki and okroshka in a ceramic bowl. Dzhanaye pat Deyvid's shoulder and say,

Dzhanaye: Come and I'll show you to my study room and bedroom. Would you like to see it?

Deyvid: Really? Yes!

Dzhanaye: Then, come along with me.

As Deyvid and Dzhanaye followed along the hallway, they creaked the floors and said, 'Who's there?' Jose Miguel turned on the flashlight, and he was so frightened, but it was only Hermana Adelaide.

Adelaide Plaza-Dela Cruz: It was only a joke, Papa!

Jose Miguel: [laughs] Don't worry, Adelaide.

Dzhanaye: Welcome to my study room.

Deyvid: Wow! Can you believe it? It's got everything in it! There is the flag, the closet, the desk table where you can write things and at the floor is my uncomfortable straw mattress where I sleep in.

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