The Worst Night

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After dinner, Dzhanaye led Deyvid to her room with a candelight on her hand. Dzhanaye takes a shower, she dressed up in a pink long-sleeved nightgown and socks, but for Deyvid, he actually takes a bath and wears jeans and sweater including socks.

Deyvid: So, what are you waiting for, Dzhanaye?

Mama Imelda: Dzhanaye, you got 5 minutes before you sleep.

Hermana Adelaide Plaza-Dela Cruz wears a loose nightgown and Hermano Jose Rodriguez's nightwear consists of white t-shirt under a moss green jacket, black shorts, and bathroom slippers with no socks (similar to Twig from Amphibia).

Deyvid: [laughs]

Jose Miguel: Goodnight, everyone. Sleep tight.

Dzhanaye sleeps in the wrong position, she screeches and falls off the bed until Deyvid woke up and suddenly screams again and Dzhanaye furiously slaps him in the face, telling him not to shriek if there is something creepy.

Dzhanaye sleeping in a very awkward position, with her arm dangling off the side of the bed. Suddenly, she lets out a screech and falls off the bed with a thud.Deyvid wakes up with a start, his eyes wide open in terror. 

Deyvid (screaming): What the hell was that?! 

Dzhanaye, still on the floor, looks up at him with fury in her eyes. 

Dzhanaye (angrily): Don't you dare scream like that again! You scared the living daylights out of me! 

Deyvid (defensively): Well, I'm sorry! But you were the one who screamed first! 

Dzhanaye (irritated): That's because I was sleeping in a weird position and my arm fell off the bed! You shouldn't have screamed like that if there was something creepy! 

Deyvid (sarcastically): Oh, I'm sorry. I'll make sure to check with you next time before I scream in terror. 

Dzhanaye shoots him a withering glare before getting up off the floor and climbing back into bed. 

Dzhanaye (muttering): Just go back to sleep. 

Deyvid (muttering): Gladly.The two lay in silence for a few moments before Deyvid breaks it. 

Deyvid (whispering): Hey, Dzhanaye? 

Dzhanaye (sighing): What? 

Deyvid (whispering): Do you think there's anything creepy in here? 

 Dzhanaye rolls her eyes and smacks him in the face before turning over and going back to sleep.

[telephone rings]

Deyvid: Hello!

Riley Pushkin: Hi, Deyvid! Looks like me, my rebels and my hostiles are waiting for you.

Deyvid: Riley, how could you?

Riley Pushkin: [cackling maniacally] Now, I can come to Pugachevskaya, sneak to the mansion by a broken window and then, shoot you in the chest with my shotgun.

Deyvid: So, this is what I call a threat! Then, I'll call the Militsiya to arrest you and send you to a nearby maximum-security prison.

Dzhanaye: Hey! You're irritating me! Go back to sleep!

Later, Deyvid opens the window and lets the wind blowing through the cold and empty hall, as everyone is sleeping.

Night at Dzhanaye Plaza's HouseWhere stories live. Discover now