Adelaide's Spirit Possession

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The next morning, Deyvid and Leo Lermontov waved goodbye to Dzhanaye and her family, and Leo and Deyvid were heading back to Moscow, but winter break is done.

Deyvid: Mom, I'm back!

Deyvid's mother on PA: Where have you been? With your friends?!

On March 21, 1965, he went back to Volgograd with his friend Leo, but Jose Rodriguez killed 4,000. Deyvid and Leo went back to a wooden mansion which was Dzhanaye's new home. He drove his GAZ-M20 while Leo is in the back seat going from Moscow Border to Volgograd Border. Deyvid asks permission to enter the border, so the guards occurred Deyvid to enter the border.

Dzhanaye: Deyvid!

Deyvid: Dzhanaye, welcome back!

Dzhanaye: Would you like to play it in the pipe organ?!

Deyvid: But the pipe organ is almost fell into disrepair.

Dzhanaye becomes very insane and punches Leo Lermontov in the chest and his full body a several times. But she doesn't punch her a million times again.

Dzhanaye: Leo Lermontov, let's be friends including Deyvid, my precious.

Deyvid: I will put out the fire and when the fire rain comes, the house will be incinerated into a debris.

Ghost Marra: [roars]

Deyvid: [screams]

At 12:00AM, Adelaide Plaza was possessed by a demon, Marra. She grabs a knife in the scullery. Deyvid woke up at midnight and saw Adelaide Plaza being possessed by a demon who went upstairs to the attic and stomps her feet until the chandelier descends to a shattered debris. And as he picked up the shattered pieces from the chandelier, a few blood drops came out from his hands, and he exclaimed:

Deyvid: What?

He went left to the interior balcony room and Adelaide tries to kill with the knife, but his arms are bleeding, so he runs to the study room to get fabric and disinfectant. Deyvid still has to put Adelaide to bed and perform an advanced exorcism like an Orthodox exorcist. Jose Rodriguez wears white t-shirt under a moss green jacket, black shorts and takes off her socks and sleep.

But Deyvid was fast asleep in his leather jacket on a straw mattress.  

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