Terror at the Grocery Store

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Kurzten, Deyvid, Leo Lermontov, and her family went off to the Soviet shopping center in Volgograd. So, they bought the vegetables, and canine food for Dzhanaye's pet dog and cat, Alexi and Sergei.

Jose Miguel: Let's see, we have the list to buy ingredients for Borscht. We have beef, pork, salo (lard), beetroots, cabbage, carrots, celeriac, onions, potatoes, mushrooms, tomato paste, parsley, chives, dill, bay leaves, allspice and black pepper.

Deyvid: Hey, what about we have to buy some ingredients for my Borscht.

Marra: I see what you're looking for, huh!

Deyvid: Where did it go?

Marra: [suspense] Boo!

Deyvid: [screams]

She roared and roared like a monstrous entity; her fingernails became long like scissors. Wreaking havoc at the grocery store took place and throws knifes at Dzhanaye's body and Dzhanaye was badly hurt. So, Deyvid gets a knife and use to attack Marra. So, Jose Miguel says, "Time to go."

Deyvid: Okay! If Adelaide and Jose Rodriguez find out, they can kill me and change me into a mutant chicken.

Jose Miguel: We need to get out of here fast. It's getting worse and worse!

Jose Miguel Plaza leaves the grocery store with his family including Deyvid and Leo and drives back to the house.

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