The First Hunter-Eraser.

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The lab coats started yelling incomprehensibly and the kids started screaming. Mires started pushing them off one by one and they started flying once all of them were off he screams at them.

"Fly to the mountains off in the distance there okay!?

Salvatore just nodded and started herding the kids to the mountains. Hearing a snarl behind him he rolled quickly tucking his wings in to avoid crushing them then looked at his attacker, his jaws dropping he asked.

"Dad is that you?"

The wolf creature roared in pain and shook its head yes. Swiping its paw across the counter it destroyed a lot of the data the scientists needed to make anymore of the bird people. Arim shouted.

"Take me with you please they are killing me here!"

Mires spreads his wings taking off and changing his feet into talons then, grabbing Arim, flies as fast as he can to the mountains slowly setting Arim on the floor of the cave that the kids found. Mires lands softly across from him.

"Dad, why didn't you come back to Mom and I?"

"I couldn't because they had already erased all memories from my previous life and made me a Hunter-Eraser... I was told to hunt you down and I did. But when you looked at me and asked Dad is that you? It made me remember my life with you and your mother."

Heart Of Steel: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now