The Devil's Fury!

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Out In The Open Skies...

The team whirls through the skies outwards the Reverent's Rail gun.

"Get ready!"


The group lands about a mile out of the camp.

"Ugh I can smell the oil and smoke from here!"

"Yeah it reeks alright."

Celesta's eyes are dark and stormy when she speaks these words.

"Death will reign while the ground is soaked in blood and tears, but through the years hero's hearts are forged in fires that people can see for miles! A hero can revel in victory but must always be on the ready..."

The prophecy said Celesta collapses dangerously quickly.

"Take her back now!"

The dragons shout at the Humans who take to the skies. As they fly through the skies a faint roar builds while they approach the WALKER. Large copper flashes pass by them as the winged heroes fly into the WALKER.

Back On The Reverents Side.

The dragons are huddled together behind the main body of the Rail Gun trying to avoid being seen. A young guard is in the weapons tent when an explosion rocks the tent and sends cracks which swallow the ammo boxes around the tent. The shells look strange like... battleship pegs? One person walks up to one studying it at a distance.

"I think we're good!"

He walks closer and reaches out to touch it and feels the outside trying to tell if the thing was dangerous. It explodes with such force it makes the ground shudder. When the ground finally stops shaking the look up at the golden sunset.

We are in for a long night... More of the pegs come tearing through the night air making slight whizzes while they land around the base exploding when they hit the ground. The Reverents the dragons are watching are too busy to notice a few missing bolts and covers on their gun and maybe some shells that are ready to explode near ammo storage tents that are full to the brim...

"We need to go now, we have done what we need to."

"Agreed if we don't leave now the blast will catch us, and I don't feel like getting exploded just yet."

They all fly as fast as they can to their base in the WALKER and tumble into the captain.

"Go Go Go Go!!"



The captain looks a little stunned but he gives this order.

The WALKERS lurches into action and thunders away... Everybody looks back at the place they just left and traveling even as quickly as they were the explosion still looked beautiful and deadly. The explosion force rocks the WALKER tearing the badly damaged shell even further. As they start on their way back to the Citadel a strange howl fills the air behind them the wind picks up in front of them forcing them to veer away from the course they were going to take to avoid the storm. They begin the new journey by climbing over a small dune and running the engine so hard it is steaming up the engine room. After the steam clears no damage is visible so they continue their march to the Citadel. They keep marching until nightfall. The smoke in the engine room seems to be darker when the engineer goes in to check the engine he immediately runs back out coughing.

"Hey Captain?"


"We won't be going anywhere for awhile."


"The engine is busted so badly I think the WALKER is too damaged to use anymore."

"Well can you fix it?"

"If i had an entire team of engineers, a brand new energy accumulator, and a new micro fusion reactor maybe."

The Captain walks off into the woods very agitated. The Seven contintinue to look at the damaged WALKER assessing the damage.

"Could we fix it?"

"Maybe? I'm not sure, but we might be able to."

The Captain approaches them quietly.



"Don't scare us like that!"

"Can you fix it?"

"We actually were talking about that just now. Before you scared the heck out of us."

"Oh sorry for startling you. It is my stealth training."

"Cool stealth training!"

"Yeah you are really good!"

"Thank you!"

"We think we can fix it but we are not sure..."

"Short answer is, we might be able to fix it but we also might explode it."

"So the answer I figured out is that we would be taking a gamble."

"Yeah that's pretty much it."

"So what are the odds?"

"Well I would need a few minutes but, could come up with those for you!"

"I just need a rough estimate! Nothing that exact!"

They all chuckle slightly and get back to debating.

"We would need somebody who knows the machine inside out and backwards though."

The Chief Engineer approaches them none too stealthily as if he was announcing his presence to them.

"I can help with that."

"What needs to be repaired?"

"I have not done an extensive search of the damage but I think the core shielding was cracked."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that the core is losing energy to power the WALKER. If the radiation bottoms out the core will collapse and well..."


"No, Big boom."

"How long do we have before the radiation bottoms out?"

"Well we don't know how large the crack is on the shielding. At most we have three days. We will have a more exact time frame later."

"Like when our niples start melting?"


"Yeah that means that we have only like an hour left."


"Let's get a move on!!"

Heart Of Steel: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now