Dragons Are Real!

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The kids returned the room key to the man thanked for the service and flew in the direction of new New York where a great destiny awaits them. Although they thought that they were wandering, the hawks inside them are guiding them to help because they can't take down the lab coats alone. As they approached they heard the sounds of clicking and whirring and machines. Then they heard a roar!

"Wait was that a roar!?"

"It was most likely that it was a rush of wind through some pipes Celesta."

"It sounded like a roar to me too, Mires."

"Well if it was we should investigate!"

The kids circled the city until nightfall which they then used their night vision eyes to land on the city outskirts. As the kids walked closer to the gate there was another roar, this one louder then the last. A heavy voice asked the kids.

"Are you lost?"

Heart Of Steel: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now