Time to go NOW!!!

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Three years later...

"I have finished teaching you my apprentices, and you must go soon. For a while now I have felt vibrations in the water but never so close before. I believe they are hunting you so you need to go now before they find you!"

"Okay master we will leave but what about you? How will you get away?"

"I won't."



Well at least he is leaving so I can try to hold the Earth together now all though I hate you was kind of harsh. The blue dragon thought sadly. It has long been since my time of passing anyways once they are far enough I will let my magic go...

The other dragons and their friends are packing to leave while the blue dragon prepares to leave this life behind and move to the next. While the younger dragons take flight and an explosive boom from behind blasts them forwards and they all look back at the lake dragon fighting the humans as they swarm him with plasma rifles and rail guns. As the solar blasts cut through the surface of the water into his scales a strange hum fills the air resonating with power and radiating across the entire lake still thrumming powerfully as the huge railgun starts to charge.

"What do we do? We can't let him die!"

A quiet voice from behind replies.

"He has a trick up his sleeve. I know it..."

"Run. Just run. Don't look back."

Fire cracked the world open behind them and engulfs anything and everything it could find. The wind was full of debris and dirt made it hard to breath but one dragon stood over them groaning in pain. Stones and trees are thrown all over the place as if a monsoon of fire had washed over everything. All of the people underneath that big dragon's wings moaned and stood up.

"Mark off!"

"Lowe here!"

"Os here!"

"Havaldmire here!"

"Do mean here or in one piece?"

"Everyone has checked off except..."

"No he didn't... Gormiuthim?!"

The wings slowly spread apart as a dragon's head lowered into the small space. The large dragon nods and with great pain begins to speak.

"Here si-"

And he falls backwards revealing the huge burns on his back groaning. His eyes were dull and glassy as if they were freezing over. He calls Os over.

"My old friend what can I do?"

"Tell her."

"Wait who?!"

But it was too late the light had faded from his eyes as they spoke. Suddenly the sounds of engine roars and smoke fills the air. The military had sent one of the most powerful WALKERs to check the wreckage for survivors.

Heart Of Steel: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now