The Way.

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"Where is the core anyways?"

"I don't know."

"Why not!?"

"I am the chief engineer not a core worker!"

"Are any of the core workers available?"

"No they stay at the Citadel and work on the WALKER when we come back from our expeditions."

"So nobody here knows where the bloody core is!?"

"Not here anyways!"

"Oh my freaking-"

A loud clatter gets their attention and they see the portal open up in the WALKER and an old man climbs out looking at them.

"I heard you are looking for the core."

"We are..."

He grabs one of them and tries to pull him closer to the WALKERS.

"Come on!!"

"Dude get off of me!"

He pushes the old man to the ground and scrambles away.

"Please trust me."

They all nod together and run after the old man who was climbing back into the WALKER. He leads them to the ventilation system groaning in pain.

"Oh my back. Well this is where I must leave you young heroes!"

And just like that the old man disappears through the corridors.

"Well that was sure strange!"

"Yeah who was that?"

The Captain doesn't reply. Instead he crawls into the vents and looks around. He knocks on one panel and it drops out a blueprint of the WALKER.

"This is why that old man led us here."

He waves the blueprint behind him.

"Does it have the Core on it?"

"No, but it has the main reactor."

"Why does that help us?"

"The main reactor is where the Core lies, alive and beating."

"What is the fastest way to the core?"

"Through the ventilation system."

"Is it dangerous?"


"Why is it dangerous?"

"We had one person go well... rouge."

"Wow! what happened?"

"Well we captured him but he escaped our custody through the ventilation. But he was never found where the ventilation emptied out so there are myths that he is still in the vents wandering..."

"How long ago was this?"

"Two years. These vents spread out everywhere but some of the vents are rusted and dislocated."

"Well we don't have time to sit around talking!"

They are climbing into the vents after tying together. The dragons are stuck outside of the vents but they are following them through the corridors. While in the vents the Captain stops more than once realigning the map. The map rustles like old newspaper in the wind.


"Man you sure were stuck!"



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