Enterprise's Short

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Location: Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Some quick background: In this alter timeline Enterprise was saved from scrapping during a charity campaign which raised over 2,000,000 dollars in funds she was put into reserve as a training carrier she served in this role for 10 years before she was moored in Norfolk Virginia near the place where she was first build she can still run she escorted her daughter CVN-65 on her commissioning ceremony and further saw the commissioning of her granddaughter CVN-80 in 2028 she is the oldest and working WW2 ship museum she always participates in WW2 memorial naval parades. 

Me: Okay we're here in Enterprise's hanger with the legend herself today thank you for being here Enty

Enterprise: uh..well...great to be here

Me: Okay so i got myself some questions along with three from the chat here 

Enterprise: Okay then...

Me: Okay so number one what's it like to be a mom and now grandma carrying on the name or as Johngoody011 asked what's it like having two descendants?

Enterprise: Well i'm just proud to have them CVN-65 or Little Enty as i called her was very like me and CVN-80 or Ent is a ambitious girl she loves it when she is with aunty Belfast

Me: Oh Johngoody011 also asked what's your relationship with Belfast?

Enterprise:{Extreme blush} Uhuhu well...we were dating for a while back...then...and i got to see her again last year when i was taken to London luckily i was just small enough to fit in the river we..had..fun...i guess...and both Enty and Ent call Belfast Aunty Bel

Me: That's cute also is it boring to live as a museum ship?

Enterprise: Well i always go off shore to do lots of stuff and i actually visit North Carolina alot she and i are getting along well she actually still does target practice she once used her AA weapons so well i asked her "Are you afire?"

Me: Sweet now this one is from train4014 who asked "Do you miss your sisters?"

Enterprise: Um...well...{Starts to cry a little} of course...i miss them..i always do...

Me: Okay that was a little too close to home now moving on the third question and final question what was your reaction to the Essex Yorktown and Hornet?

Enterprise: Well i was suprised they both look similar to my sisters...they both call me Senpai...and when in combat they act similar but i used to keep calling them my sisters

Me: Okay well thank you Gray Ghost

Enterprise: Of course...

The End..

Next short interview its all of our favorite Barbushka Aurora

(Place your questions here)

Okay hey guys i was working on a new story stepping out of AL and writing a Girls Und Panzer story so i gotta ask to you all is Olympic Coronet a good title or can you come up with anything better thanks see y'all later)

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