Chapter 18: Sending Two Messages.

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Jack Frost POV:

After Jack safely escorts Calum back to the courtyard of the castle, he heads down to Hogsmeade to find the owl post..
And paper..
And a pen..

It took only a few minutes to find the place and once inside, a brief description of who he was sending the message to. The Post Master gives him a small piece of parchment to write on, though he gave him no pen.
No matter, Jack thought, I'll just burn it.

Frost looks up to make sure the post Master isn't watching, then places his right hand on the parchment so it covers as much as possible, and clutches his staff in his left.

Jack closes his eyes and thinks of the complete version of the note, written in legible handwriting in English he stresses. 

Once the image is in his head, he taps the edge of the parchment with his trusty oversized stick and waits a minute. Eyes still closed, Focusing on raising and lowering temperatures in the designated areas. Slowly, he hears the parchment crack and settle.

He opens his eyes to find the message exactly as he had imagined. Burned black with slightly lighter swirl patterns connecting where the frost had been.

Rolling the message, he approaches the counter and hands it to the Post Master, who looks up startled. He had forgotten he was still there. Jack Frost gently strokes and speaks to an owl while the Owl Master tied the message, seals it with wax and attaches it to a Pygmy owl.

Jack looks up sharply from his murmured conversation to look at the Owl Keeper. "You're using her?"

"Am I-yes sir, is that a problem?"

" Is it a problem? Yes it's a problem do you not know your own animals?" She has a torn muscle on her right side. Give her to me."

The reluctant shop keeper puts the small pale owl into Jack's hand. The creature stops shaking as he shifts her so her body weight is resting on her left side. Jack carefully removes the message case From her leg and places her gently on his staff.

Running his forefinger over her head once, he moves to put the message case on the large barn owl he had been stroking and speaking to before.

"Barnibus here can deliver the message. He doesn't mind. "
With the message secured, Barnibus takes off.

Jack Frost turns his attention back to the shop keeper. His face the cold fire usually reserved for soldiers and kings  in need of command.

"Here is what's going to happen. I'm going to take this little one and keep her until her wing is fixed. If she wants to come back after, fine. If not, fine.

As I tend to her, I will check in on you, Master Owl Keeper. And if I see a single hungry, exhausted, sleep deprived, or injured owl I will not. be. pleased."

The Owl Keeper was practically trembling by the time Frost had finished, and he hadn't even bothered to lower the temperature of the room.. much.

With the small Pygmy owl propped on his staff and frost on his small leather hood, he looked ancient and intimidating.
"Got it?"

The Shop Keeper nodded, more in fear then agreement, and then Jack Frost was gone. The poor Owl Master practically fainted as he slumped against the counter, barely catching the edge of the seat as he plopped into it.

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